Checking out a local branch from a remote branch automatically creates what is called a tracking branch. Tracking branches are local branches that have a direct relationship to a remote branch. If you’re on a tracking branch and type git push, Git automatically knows which server and branch t...
All of the above commands will cause local branch foo to track remote branch foo from remote upstream. The old (1.7.x) syntax is deprecated in favor of the new (1.8+) syntax. The new syntax is intended to be more intuitive and easier to remember.Make an existing Git branch track a re...
使用命令git remote show origin可以查看名为“origin”的远程仓库的信息:-* remote originFetch URL: URL: HEAD branch: masterRemote branches:master trackedLocal branch configured for 'git pull':master merges with remote masterLocal ref configured for 'git p...
第二步: git branch --set-upstream-to origin(远程仓库名称)/develop(远程分支名称) dev(本地分支名称) 显示如下则为成功,可正常拉取代码
make it the remote’s serverfix.” You can use this format to push a local branch into a remote branch that is named differently. If you didn’t want it to be calledserverfixon the remote, you could instead rungit push origin serverfix:awesomebranchto push your localserverfixbranch to ...
git branch --track local_branchname origin/remote_branchname 手动设置本地分支的上游时,推荐使用命令: git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/ remote_branchname 取消对某个分支的跟踪,使用命令: git branch --unset-upstream local_branchname 6、clone操作 ...
Git checkout remote branch to local was thus the old method to make a local copy. We first check out into the remote branch we want to copy. (Make sure you fetch the branches first.) gitcheckout<remote_branch> We next create a new copy of this branch with thegit branchcommand. We ...
Switched to a new branch 'feature/myFeature-2' Branch feature/myFeature-2 set up to track remote branch feature/myFeature-2 from origin. 通过更改在 feature-1 中更改的代码中的同一注释行来修改 Program.cs。 复制 public class Program { // Editing the same line (file ...
// local: git branch // remote: git branch -r // all: git branch -a 切换分支 git checkout -b dev origin/dev // 拉取远程分支到本地 git checkout dev // 切换本地分支 创建新分支 git checkout -b dev origin/master git push --set-upstream origin dev 拉取/更新远程代码 git fetch /...
切换分支:git checkout [branch]。 新建本地分支,并切换到新分支:git checkout -b [branch]。 删除本地分支:先切换到其他分支,然后执行git branch -d [branch-name] 。 删除远程分支:git push origin --delete [branch-name]。 5.3 代码管理 当我们在本地test3分支做了修改,需要合并到本地的master分支。