通过New view...新建视图,进行自定义配置,并保存视图。 下面介绍一写查询条件的设置: references(space separated list):可以指定一个refs,可以是tag,branch,下面还可以选择All xxx。 commit info(regular expressions):可以指定提交信息的Author、Committer、Message作为查询条件。 Changes to Files:可以指定修改的文件内...
committer local-part (see %cl) respecting .mailmap, see git-shortlog[1] or git-blame[1]) %cd committer date (format respects --date= option) %cD committer date, RFC2822 style %cr committer date, relative %ct committer date, UNIX timestamp %ci committer date, ISO 8601-li...
“`shell git branch –format=’%(refname:short) %(objectname) %(committerdate:short)’–sort=committerdate “` 这个命令会列出所有分支的名称、最后一次提交的提交ID、最后一次提交的提交日期,并按照提交日期进行排序。 方法二:使用Git图形界面工具 1. 打开Git图形界面工具,例如Git GUI或Sourcetree等。 2. ...
%cn: committer name %cN: committer name (respecting .mailmap, see git-shortlog[1] or git-blame[1]) %ce: committer email %cE: committer email (respecting .mailmap, see git-shortlog[1] or git-blame[1]) %cd: committer date (format respects --date= option) %cD: committer date,...
Committer: name and email address including a timestamp of the user who created the commit; usually this information is identical to that of Author Message: description of the commit, consisting of two parts: a title and a description, separated by a blank line. ...
Use mailmap file to map author and committer names and email addresses to canonical real names and email addresses. See git-shortlog[1]. --full-diff Without this flag, git log -p <path>... shows commits that touch the specified paths, and diffs about the same specified paths. With th...
因为一个提交的元信息中只有作者(author)、提交者(committer)两个字段,而一段代码的诞生,参与的人往往不止于此,还可能有问题报告者(Reported-by)、代码评审者(Reviewed-by)、上游Committer 的签名(Signed-off-by)。为此一些开源项目(如 Git、Linux)的一个约定俗成的习惯,是在提交的最后加上签名,每个贡献者一行,...
繼承自GitCommitRef.committercommitTooManyChanges 表示認可包含太多變更無法顯示 TypeScript 複製 commitTooManyChanges: boolean 屬性值 boolean 繼承自GitCommitRef.commitTooManyChangesparents 這個認可之父認可標識碼的列舉。 TypeScript 複製 parents: string[] 屬性值 string[] 繼承自GitCommitRef.parentspush...
log.date config variable sets a default value for the log command’s --date option. By default, dates are shown in the original time zone (either committer’s or author’s). If -local is appended to the format (e.g., iso-local), the user’s local time zone is used instead. --...
last = log -1 HEAD latest = for-each-ref --sort=-committerdate --format=\"%(committername)@%(refname:short) [%(committerdate:short)] %(contents)\" ls = log --pretty=format:\"%C(yellow)%h %C(blue)%ad %C(red)%d %C(reset)%s %C(green)[%cn]\" --decorate --date=short ...