当在此项目中运行 git log 命令时,可以看到下面的输出: $ git log commit ca82a6dff817ec66f44342007202690a93763949 Author: Scott Chacon <kody@gee-mail.com> Date: Mon Mar 17 21:52:11 2021 -0700 changed the version number commit 085bb3bcb608e1e8451d4b2432f8ecbe6306e7e7 Author: Scott Chacon...
git log -L :funcName:fileName 查看fileName文件中funcName函数的修改历史 git log --pretty=oneline 简易的查看commit 记录(直接用git log --oneline更方便一些) git reflog用在回退时的场景, 当发生版本回退时,git log只能看到HEAD指针的祖先。而git reflog可以看到左右commit 记录 git log --graph --pretty...
需要注意的是,添加.gitignore规则之后,Git不会删除已经被版本控制的log文件,但是它们将不再被Git追踪或者显示在`git status`命令的结果中。 如果你希望将已经被版本控制的log文件从Git中移除,可以使用如下命令: “` git rm –cached *.log “` 这个命令将会从Git中移除所有已经被版本控制的log文件,但是不会删除...
In the following example, the developer works on a topic branch that refactors the way buttons are defined, and on another topic branch that uses that refactoring to implement a "Report a bug" button. The output ofgit log --graph --format=%s -5may look like this: ...
##1查看当前分支的提交记录(发现最近的3次commit改的是相同的模块)$ git log commit 2e91644fa69cb8e9a6af7e88062341b4042cac67 (HEAD->bugfix_track) Author: hanshuai<hanshuai@szhq.com>Date: Tue Apr2117:29:122020+0800fix:修改向前向后推月份年份后日期出现的bug ...
Monitoring - Grafana, Prometheus, Node Exporter, scripted collection of common Linux & Mac cli monitoring stats and log locations for quick generation of vendor support tarball bundles both locally and over SSH AWS - Amazon Web Services - AWS account summary, lots of IAM reports, CIS Benchmark ...
git log tag.. 查看tag和HEAD之间的不同。 commit: git commit -a -e 提交全部修改文件,并调用vim编辑提交日志。 git reset HEAD^ or git reset HEAD~1 撤销最后一次提交。 git reset --hard HEAD^ 撤销最后一次提交并清除本地修改。 git reset SHA1 回到SHA1对应的提交状态。
* "git log" and friends learned an option --exclude-first-parent-only to propagate UNINTERESTING bit down only along the first-parent chain, just like --first-parent option shows commits that lack the UNINTERESTING bit only along the first-parent chain. ...
git-log last updated in 2.48.0 NAME git-log - Show commit logs SYNOPSIS git log [<options>] [<revision range>] [[\--] <path>…] DESCRIPTION Shows the commit logs. The command takes options applicable to the git rev-list command to control what is shown and how, and options ...