2、Command 目录操作 进程管理 参考资料 1、Git 更新代码到本地 git fetch origin dev(远程): dev(本地) 把需要更新的远程dev仓库fetch到本地的dev git fetch --all 将远程的最新内容拉到本地 git merge <branch> 当前分支与<branch>分支合并 git pull 执行命令进行更新文件的下载覆盖,会列出哪些文件进行了...
You can usegit logto see the details.git log --decorateThe--decorateflag will show us some details that are hidden from the default view. (In the Git 2.13 update to Git, thegit logcommand has changed to automatically enable the--decorateflag, which means you don't need to include the-...
git-log - Show commit logs SYNOPSIS git log[<options>] [<revision range>] [[\--] <path>…] DESCRIPTION Shows the commit logs. The command takes options applicable to thegit rev-listcommand to control what is shown and how, and options applicable to thegit diff-*commands to control...
請記住,每個命令也隨附其「專屬」說明頁面。 您可以輸入git <command> --help來尋找這些說明頁面。 例如,git commit --help會顯示一個頁面,告知您有關git commit命令及其使用方式的詳細資訊。 是否需要協助? 請參閱我們的疑難排解指南,或透過回報問題提供具體的意見反映。
EXAMPLES Given a .git/config like this: # # This is the config file, and # a '#' or ';' character indicates # a comment # ; core variables [core] ; Don't trust file modes filemode = false ; Our diff algorithm [diff] external = /usr/local/bin/diff-wrapper renames = true ;...
注意:如果遇到错误信息 'switch' is not a git command,那么可能是因为 Git 版本低于 2.23.0。可以通过运行 git --version 来检查 Git 版本,并升级到最新版本以使用这些新特性。 git restore:安全撤销更改 git restore 命令同样是在 Git 2.23.0 版本中引入的,专门用于恢复工作目录中的文件内容。
By now, you should already know the basic git log command for displaying commits. But, you can alter this output by passing many different parameters to git log. The advanced features of git log can be split into two categories: formatting how each commit is displayed, and filtering which ...
Examples, get commit logs between two sha versions viagit log logCmd:=gitw.Log("--reverse").Argf("--pretty=format:\"%s\"",c.cfg.LogFormat)ifc.cfg.Verbose{logCmd.OnBeforeExec(gitw.PrintCmdline) }// add custom args. eg: "--no-merges"logCmd.AddArgs("--no-merges")// logCmd.Arg...
(Adds the -amend option when running the git commit command.) Commit Staged (Signed Off) Identifies who performed the commit in the Git log. (Adds the -signed-off option when running the git commit command.) Undo Last Commit Undoes the previous commit. Files are moved back into the ...
git log [SHA] A Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) is a unique identifier for each commit. Use this command to display a certain commit as well as every other commit made previously. git log --stat The command displays which files were changed with each commit, number of lines added/removed, ...