链接:https://www.linuxmi.com/git-remote-branches-list.html 关注我们 Linux公社 关注Linux公社,添加“星标” 每天 获取 技术干货,让我们一起成长
You can use thegit branch -rto make Git list remote branches that have been synced to your local repository: $ git branch-rorigin/main origin/develop origin/test origin/feature1 Note that since these are remote tracking branches, these branches are listed in the formatorigin/branchname. These...
Remote references are references (pointers) in your remote repositories, including branches, tags, and so on. You can get a full list of remote references explicitly withgit ls-remote <remote>, orgit remote show <remote>for remote branches as well as more information. Nevertheless, a more com...
git clone resource.git git branch -a list all the local and remote branches git checkout [remote branch]
正如前面提过,我们可以使用remote branches来访问来自另外一个repo的snapshots。我们先看看我们当前的remote branches,使用:git branch -r命令,同样地,我们没有任何remote branch,为了获得这些remote branch list,我们需要fetch the branches from Mary's repository: ...
Check the git branches: git branch # chenck the local branches git branch -r # chenck the remote branches Modify the branches: # Create a new branch, but stay in current branch git branch [branch_name] # Create a new branch and switch to it git checkout -b [branch_name] # Switch...
$ git remote show origin * remote origin Fetch URL: https://github.com/schacon/ticgit Push URL: https://github.com/schacon/ticgit HEAD branch: master Remote branches: master tracked dev-branch tracked Local branch configured for 'git pull': ...
$ git push -f [remote] [branch] 如果你还没有推到远程, 把Git重置(reset)到你最后一次提交前的状态就可以了(同时保存暂存的变化): (my-branch*)$ git reset --soft HEAD@{1} 这只能在没有推送之前有用. 如果你已经推了, 唯一安全能做的是 git revert SHAofBadCommit, 那会创建一个新的提交(commi...
在创建一个新分支时,设置branch.<name>.remote和branch.<name>.merge配置项来为新分支设置“上游”追踪。这个配置将告诉 git 在git status和git branch -v中显示这两个分支之间的关系(译者注:应该是git branch -vv命令而不是git branch -v命令,这样才会显示某一分支的上游)。此外,它还指示了在该新分支上运行...
一、git操作的位置 在idea中git在整个工程的右下角 1547713773(1).jpg 二、git的主要操作 1、打开git会看到如下图: 1547713867(1).jpg local branches 是本地的分支,remote branches为远程的分支(服务器的分支)。 2、切换分支的时候是选择Checkout