1、创建本地分支 local_branch git branch local_branch 2、创建远程分支remote_branch对应的本地分支local_branch, 并切换到local_branch分支 git checkout -b local_branch remote_branch 3、切换到分支local_branch git checkout local_branch 4、推送本地分支local_branch到远程分支 remote_branch并建立关联关系 ...
$git stash drop 分支(Branches) 我从错误的分支拉取了内容,或把内容拉取到了错误的分支 这是另外一种使用git reflog情况,找到在这次错误拉(pull) 之前HEAD的指向。 (main)$ git reflog ab7555f HEAD@{0}: pull origin wrong-branch: Fast-forward c5bc55a HEAD@{1}: checkout: checkout message goes ...
$ git remote show origin#* remote origin#Fetch URL: git@github.com:xxx/xxx.git#Push URL: git@github.com:xxx/xxx.git#HEAD branch: master#Remote branches:#master tracked#refs/remotes/origin/b1 stale(use 'git remote prune' to remove)#Local branch configured for 'git pull':#master merges ...
暂存时记录消息 这样你可以在list时看到它 $ git stash save 或 $ git stash push -m 使用某个指定暂存 首先你可以查看你的stash记录 $ git stash list 然后你可以apply某个stash $ git stash apply "stash@{n}" 此处, 'n'是stash在栈中的位置,最上层的stash会是0 除此之外,也可以使用时间标记(假如你...
Git List All Branches You can make Git list local branches and remote branches in your Git repository using the commandgit branch -a: $ git branch-a*main develop test feature1 origin/main origin/develop origin/test origin/feature1 How Do I View Branches in GitHub?
Git Delete Local Branch FAQs View Your Git Branches Using the CLI & GitKraken Client Before you can delete a local Git branch, you’ll need to get the exact name of the branch you want to delete. To access a comprehensive list of local Git branches in your project via theCLI, typegit...
git branch; 看本地当前分支( local branches)情况,以及当前工作区位于哪个分支。 git branch -r看远程跟踪分支(remote-tracking branches)情况,--remotes。 git branch -d <branch>;删除 <branch>,--delete; git branch -a;查看本地和远程所有分支情况,--all; ...
03 Creating branches.png 要注意此时你只是创建了这个分支。如需开始对新分支进行提交,要先选择这个新的分支,使用git checkout命令,然后再使用标准流程git add、git commit等命令。 创建远程分支 截至目前,我们所展示的操作都只关于本地分支。git branch命令也可以用于远程分支。为了操作远程分支,让我们先为仓库添加一...
After you've cloned the main branch into a local repository, create a new feature branch, myFeature-1: myWebApp CMD git checkout -b feature/myFeature-1 Output: Switched to a new branch 'feature/myFeature-1'. Run the Git branch command to see all the branches. T...
error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout:readme.txtPlease, commit your changes or stash them before you can switch branches.解决这个问题的办法就是git stash命令。该命令可以获取工作目录的中间状态——也就是修改过的被追踪的文件和暂存的变更——并将它保存到一...