1. 先把远程的目标分支merge到本地: 命令: git merge master git pull origin master 2. 现在我们检查工作环境,发现我们所有的文件和我们遇到的冲突文件: 命令: git status 3. 查看冲突文件具体冲突,可以用命令或者用开发工具查看(开发工具都有git插件,可以安装一下) 命令:git diff 你的冲突文件名以及路径 4....
Lists all local branchesinthe current repository $ git branch [branch-name] Creates a new branch $ git checkout [branch-name] Switches to the specified branch and updates the working directory $ git merge [branch] Combines the specified branch’s history into the current branch $ git branch-...
The filereflogis found in.git/logs/refs/heads/., which mainly keeps track of the history of local commits for a particular branch, excluding the commits that have been thrown away bygitgarbage collection processes. It helps recover deleted branches and commits. ...
It is important to note that renaming a branch in Git does not affect the commits or the history associated with that branch. 8. Pushing and Pulling Branches To push a branch to a remote repository, you can use the following command: “` git push “` This will update the remote reposito...
命令的完整版本: git pull <远程主机名> <远程分支名>:<本地分支名> 例如:从名为origin的远程数据库的master分支上拉去代码与本地的localBranch分支合并 git pull origin master:localBranch 如果只写,省略其他参数 git pull 将以文件`.git/log`记录的默认值拉去 场景6:冲突 A和B在自己的本地同时进行...
git pull 'remote_name' 'branch_name' The git pull command is a combination of git fetch which fetches the recent commits in the local repository and git merge, which will merge the branch from a remote to a local branch. Also, remote_name is the repository name and branch_name is the...
By executing the fetch command, this list is updated if there's a remote branch that isn't listed. In the next example, there's only the main branch on the local repository and the main on the remote repository. If there would be another remote branch, you can just select that branch...
(use "git push" to publish your local commits) nothing to commit, working tree clean 使用--soft 模式进行撤回->暂存区 ➜ learn_git git:(master) git reset --soft HEAD~ ➜ learn_git git:(master) ✗ git status On branch master Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. ...
If you don’t have permission to commit to the default branch (such as the main branch), create a new branch and use your Git provider’s interface to create a pull request (PR) to merge it into the default branch.Note Notebook outputs are not included in commits by default when ...
Local settings have precedence over global settings. Global git-link-default-remote Name of the remote to link to, defaults tonil. git-link-default-branch Name of the remote branch to link to, defaults to the current branch. git-link-open-in-browser ...