The installation will start and you can follow it via the progress bar that appears. Once the installation is completed you will see a confirmation message. That's it! You can now start using GIT on your Windows computer to manage your projects....
在Windows 上安装 在Windows 上安装 Git 也有几种安装方法。 官方版本可以在 Git 官方网站下载。 打开,下载会自动开始。 要注意这是一个名为 Git for Windows 的项目(也叫做 msysGit),和 Git 是分别独立的项目;更多信息请访问。
–**Credential Manager installation:** 可以选择是否安装Git的凭据管理器,默认情况下会安装。 选择完毕后,点击“Next”继续。 **步骤四:选择安装路径** 可以选择Git的安装路径,默认情况下安装在C盘。选择完毕后,点击“Next”继续。 **步骤五:选择Git Bash的默认终端** 可以选择Git Bash在Windows终端中的使用方式...
· For the latest version of TortoiseGit Windows XP SP3 or newer is required. · Admin privileges for the installation ·msysGitis required by TortoiseGit · You do not need to download the whole msysGit development package, the"Full installer for official Git for Windows"download package is su...
window10安装gitpython windows10git安装 1、Git官网下载: 可以什么都不操作,一直点击“Next”按钮即可)点击“Next”按钮进入下图界面: 选择组件 说明:框1是决定是否在桌面创建快捷方式的;框2内的选项是默认勾选的,建议不要动;框3是决定在所有控制台窗口中使用TrueType字体和是否每天...
To use GIT on your Windows computer you must first download and install it. You can download the latest version of GIT from this page. Download the
Homebrewis a package manager that simplifies the installation of Softwares on the macOS operating system. Go to Terminal and type: 1 /bin/bash-c"$(curl -fsSL" Step 2: Brew Install Git ...
1 GIT installation error for bash.exe 5 Shell scripts with Git Bash 64-bit on Windows 1 Windows Git Bash shell cannot find commands? 3 How to install Git Shell for Windows? 1 How do i install bash-git-prompt in Git For Windows bash shell? 13 Git Bash: no man command 1 O...
Installing on Windows There are also a few ways to install Git on Windows. The most official build is available for download on the Git website. Just go to the download will start automatically. Note that this is a project called Git for Windows, which...
While installing git for windows, i have changed the installation directory. It threw and alert saying The specified installation directory does not seem to be writable. Please choose another directory or restart setup as a user with suf...