$ sudo apt install git-all 要了解更多选择,Git 官方网站上有在各种 Unix 发行版的系统上安装步骤,网址为https://git-scm.com/download/linux。 在macOS 上安装 在Mac 上安装 Git 有多种方式。 最简单的方法是安装 Xcode Command Line Tools。 Mavericks (10.9) 或更高版本的系统中,在 Terminal 里尝试首次...
For more options, there are instructions for installing on several different Unix distributions on the Git website, athttps://git-scm.com/download/linux. Installing on macOS There are several ways to install Git on macOS. The easiest is probably to install the Xcode Command Line Tools. On Ma...
不过默认没有安装,你需要运行Xcode,选择菜单“Xcode”->“Preferences”,在弹出窗 口中找到“Downloads”,选择“Command Line Tools”,点“Install”就可以完成安装了。 Xcode是Apple官方IDE,功能非常强大,是开发Mac和iOS App的必选装备,而且是免费的! 在Windows上安装Git https://git-scm.com/download 安装完成后...
Install Git on Arch Linux If you're on Arch Linux, you can install Git using Pacman: sudo pacman -S git Install Git on FreeBSD To install Git on FreeBSD, issue the following command: sudo pkg install git Once done, verify if the installation was successful by running the following com...
1、Linux安装Git Linux安装Git比较简单,不少Linux系统已经自带了Git工具,Linux 是有多个发行版本,但安装Git都非常的简单,例如: ubuntu 系统的安装命令如下: apt install git Centos 系统安装命令如下: yum -yinstallgit 安装完成之后,要确认是否安装成功,可以在终端当中输入git —version命令,如果可以看到 Git 的版本...
sudo apt-get install -y postfix 如果您想使用其他解决方案发送电子邮件,请跳过上面 Postfix 安装步骤并在安装极狐GitLab 后配置外部 SMTP 服务器。 2. 下载并安装极狐GitLab 执行以下命令配置极狐GitLab 软件源镜像。 curl -L get.gitlab.cn | bash ...
在linux下我仅使用了文本界面,所以安装了个文本形式的git客户来连接github。 1. 安装git 我用的是centos系统,在使用yum install git时,系统提示没有找到git包。所以,仅能通过以下方法来安装git。方法详见:http://www.cnblogs.com/Neddy/archive/2011/02/28/1967548.html。以上方法中有一个问题:方法中给出的git...
1. From your terminal install XCode's Command Line Tools (if you haven't already): $ xcode-select--install 2. InstallHomebrew. 3. Using Homebrew, install openssl: $ brew install openssl 4. Clone the Git source (or if you don't yet have a version of Git installed,download and extract...
Linux/Unix Older releases are available and the Git source repository is on GitHub. Latest source Release 2.48.1 Release Notes (2025-01-13) Download for Windows GUI Clients Git comes with built-in GUI tools (git-gui, gitk), but there are several third-party tools for users looking for...
If the output shows a Git version (see example below), you already have Git installed on your Linux machine. git version 2.17.1 If you need to install Git, your terminal shows the following error: -bash: git: command not found