1.使用参数--mixed(默认参数),如git reset --mixed <commit ID>或git reset <commit ID> 撤销git commit,撤销git add,保留编辑器改动代码 2.使用参数--soft,如git reset --soft<commit ID> 撤销git commit,不撤销git add,保留编辑器改动代码 3.使用参数--hard,如git reset --hard <commit ID>——此...
将当前分支的HEAD移动至<commit>以及重置暂存区和工作区匹配至<commit>。它不仅撤销了未提交的改动,还撤销了<commit>之后的所有commits。 讨论 正如上面提及到的,git reset是用来从一个代码仓库中移除改动的。没有-- hard标记时,git reset通过unstage改动或撤销(uncommit)一系列已提交的快照来清理干净代码仓库,然后...
Exactly likegit restore --staged, this makes sure the file is NOT included in our next commit. The local changes themselves arenotaffected by this command. Unstaging All Files at Once Sometimes, you might want to unstageallof the files you had already added to the Staging Area. In such ...
commitBeforeMerge Shown when git-merge[1] refuses to merge to avoid overwriting local changes. detachedHead Shown when the user uses git-switch[1] or git-checkout[1] to move to the detached HEAD state, to tell the user how to create a local branch after the fact. diverging Shown ...
则git rm <file> 4. 提交已暂存的文件 git commit 注意注释填写规范。 git commit --amend 修改最近一次提交。有时候如果提交注释书写有误或者漏提文件,可以使用此命令。 5. 同步到服务器 同步到服务器前先需要将服务器代码同步到本地 命令: git pull ...
To trick IntelliJ, just make a trivial change to any other file, and then open the commit dialog. Unselect the changed file, leaving only the deleted file selected, and then commit. When finished, undo the change to the file you didn't delete. Or just give up and do it from the com...
on git then this file will be considered for delete and endures as untracked on the machine. If we make a commit after this command then the file on Github will be deleted forever. We should be very careful while using this command. So, this case is not advised for unstaging a file....
与标签比较:要查看提交和标签之间的差异,可以使用命令git diff <tag> <commit>。例如,git diff v1.0 main将显示标签“v1.0”和主分支之间的差异。 查看特定文件:你可以使用它git diff <file>来显示工作目录中的特定文件与最新提交之间的差异。例如,git diff index.html将显示工作目录中的 index.html 文件与最新...
from..gitattributesis a Git mechanism for binding special behaviors to certain file patterns. Git LFS automatically creates or updates.gitattributesfiles to bind tracked file patterns to the Git LFS filter. However, you will need to commit any changes to the.gitattributesfile to your repository ...
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