1、如果出现需要手动解决的冲突,下图的Resolve Conflicts会变为可选。(若有冲突但却无法看到Resolve Con...
$ git status On branch main You have unmerged paths.(fix conflicts and run"git commit")(use"g...
If you want to keep the changes what you did, delete the conflict marker they are,<<<, ===, >>> and then do a merge. Commands to commit the changes. git add . or git add "your_file" git commit -m "Merge conflicts resolved" Solving git conflict your GUI What if you have so...
如果是重复代码:两个二选一删除一个,然后再把这些冲突标示符删除即可; 如果不是重复代码,两个都需要保留,只把冲突符号(红色部分)删除即可。 修改完成后需要再次提交: git add . git commit -m [message] git push origin master:master
因为在rebase,cherry-pick的过程中也可能出现冲突,解决完后用对应的git rebase --continue或者git cherry-pick --continue。另外还有--abort。请参考help信息。 有时冲突是因为漏了某些commit造成的,看情况把这些commit先merge上再merge后续的就不会有冲突了。
$ git merge feature1 Auto-merging readme.txt CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in readme.txt Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result. 1. 2. 3. 4. 果然冲突了!Git告诉我们,readme.txt文件存在冲突,必须手动解决冲突后再提交。git status也...
git merge FETCH_HEAD and, after git told me that there is a conflict in one file, I did a git mergetool which in my case runs SourceGear DiffMerge as a GUI mergetool. Immediately after saving the merged file, I realized that I made a bad mistake. I just want to forget the ...
How do I fix a merge conflict in Git?Chad Thompson
于是新建了一个hotfix分支,在上面修改代码。修改好了,当然是希望把hotfix这个分支既merge回master又merge回develop分支,但是从往master上merge的时候一切正常,但是往develop分支上merge的时候提示冲突,似乎是因为develop分支比master领先了,而hoxfix又是从master的1.2版牵出来的。 请问hotfix的正确使用方法。。
来全部undo merge,然后到被merge的branch中去,手动修改掉merge失败的问题。然后再重新merge。 如果merge的输出信息中没有报告失败,只是说让我们去Fix content conflict,那么merge是OK的,此时只需要打开unmerged的文件,搜索merge关键字,然后fix掉没能自动merge成功的内容即可。