–‘git log’ documentation –Stack Overflow: Find a Git branch containing changes to a given file –Stack Overflow: How to find a deleted file in the project commit history?
一.场景 从github上拉取的代码,导入idea之后,想要切换到对应的分支,发现只有master分支,找不到想要的分支。 二.解决 方式一(IDEA通过git命令) 1.打开idea后,在最下方找到Terminal,点击; 或者直接Alt+F12也可以进入 2.在出来的命令行界面输入:git branch 该命令查看本地有哪些分支:我这边之后master和V3_xieyue202...
Delete a branch. The branch must be fully merged in its upstream branch, or inHEADif no upstream was set with--trackor--set-upstream-to. -D Shortcut for--delete --force. --create-reflog Create the branch’s reflog. This activates recording of all changes made to the branch ref, enab...
git checkout -b 本地分支名 远程分支名 当出现上述情况时,就会出现报错:fatal:‘XXX' is not a commit and a branch ‘XXX' cannot be created from it 二、问题原因 远程新建的分支没有更新到本地。实际上,git仓库分为本地仓库和远程仓库,我们用checkout命令是从本地仓库中找要检出的分支的。本地仓库只...
It is also possible to use the-Boption with thegit checkoutcommand to switch to another branch and to make the branch start from a specific commit. The syntax is: git checkout -B [branch] [start_point] To find the exact starting point, list the commits in the repository using thegit...
git branch 1. 进行本地版本库分支查询 , 本地只有 master 分支 ; 然后再执行 gir branch -a 1. 查询远程分支 , 发现仍然能查询到 remotes/origin/feature1 远程分支 ; D:\Git\git-learning-course>git branch -a * master remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master ...
如果在使用”git branch -a”命令时,看不到想要查看的分支,有以下几种可能的原因和解决方法: 1. 分支尚未被远程跟踪:首先,确保你的本地仓库已经与远程仓库建立了连接。可以通过执行”git remote -v”命令来确认。如果没有远程仓库,可以通过”git remote add origin [远程仓库地址]”来添加。 2. 分支尚未拉取...
在使用 `git branch -a` 命令查看分支时,如果看不到所有分支,可能有以下几种原因: 1. 本地分支还未拉取远程分支:通过 `git remote update origin –prune` 命令可以更新远程分支信息,并拉取最新的远程分支到本地。 2. 本地分支已被删除:如果某个分支在远程仓库中已被删除,那么在使用 `git branch -a` 命...
How to create a new branch from a remote branch? How to create a new branch in a remote repository? Note on Ambiguous Names What is a branch? A branch in Git is simply a lightweight movable pointer to [a commit]. The default branch name in Git is master. ...
How to find the current git branch in a plugin Followed by 2 people Answered Saraswat40 CreatedOctober 01, 2021 03:00 The code is this: List<GitRepository>repositories=GitUtil.getRepositoryManager(e.getProject()).getRepositories(); if(repositories.size()>0){ ...