# 首先使用git remote查看远程库的名字 git remote # 如果没有修改会输出origin git pull remote <远程分支的名字> # 比如:git pull remote master # 但是如果后面不跟一些参数的话就会有一大堆警告 # hint: Pulling without specifying how to reconcile divergent branches is # hint: discouraged. You can squ...
Then, use the git status command, which checks which branch you're currently on. This is to ensure that any changes made will be added to this branch instead of other existing branches or, even worse, overwriting something already done in the master. Finally, the git push origin [branch_...
git pull和git pull origin master报如下警告 hint: Pulling without specifying how to reconcile divergent branchesishint: discouraged. You can squelchthismessage by running one of the following hint: commands sometime before your next pull: hint: hint: git config pull.rebasefalse# merge (thedefaults...
# 情况1,本地无仓库 echo "# RepositoryTest" >> README.md git init git add README.md git commit -m "first commit" git branch -M main git remote add origin git@github.com:wenjtop/RepositoryTest.git git push -u origin main # 情况2,本地有仓库 git remote add origin git@github.com:...
git checkout branch-name git branch git pull origin master git add file-name git rm file-name git mv file-name git status git log git commit-m comment-string git push origin master git merge branch-name 会了这些命令,一些日常的操作就基本没问题了,那 git 还有什么可学的呢?有的,提交错了需...
git pull和git pull origin master报如下警告 hint: Pulling without specifying how to reconcile divergent branches is hint: discouraged. You can squelch this message by running one of the following hint: commands sometime before your next pull: ...
We can also see that our local branch feature has an upstream origin/feature by running the Git Branch command with the-vvflag. Summary Branches are a great way to work on features and try out new things. Collaborators will often share branches by pushing them to the remote repository. We...
git checkout <remotebranch> Older versions of Git require the creation of a new branch based on the remote. git checkout -b<remotebranch> origin/<remotebranch> Additionally you can checkout a new local branch and reset it to the remote branches last commit. git checkout -b<branchname> ...
we’ll use that one for the purposes of disambiguation, even if the<branch>isn’t unique across all remotes. Set it to e.g.checkout.defaultRemote=originto always checkout remote branches from there if<branch>is ambiguous but exists on theoriginremote. See alsocheckout.defaultRemoteingit-con...
> create & switch to a branch : git checkout -b branch_name > auto merge current branch: git pull > delete local branch: git branch -D local_branch_name > delete pre-stored branch of remote branch: git branch -d -r origin/feature/Cmxxx ...