Git always runs inside abashshell, and uses a number of shell environment variables to determine how it behaves. Occasionally, it comes in handy to know what these are, and how they can be used to make Git behave the way you want it to. This isn’t an exhaustive list of all the envi...
When the XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variable is not set or empty, $HOME/.config/ is used as $XDG_CONFIG_HOME. These are also called "global" configuration files. If both files exist, both files are read in the order given above. $GIT_DIR/config Repository specific configuration file. ...
在HOME目录下新建文件.bashrc写入你最惯用的配置,比如alias、bind、export 等,执行source ~/.bashrc即刻生效。 【参考文献】 Portable Git for Windows: setting the $HOME environment variable to allow complete portability (including SSL keys and configuration for use with GitHub) 2. 按 Windows 方式创建环境...
...环境变量设置的方式有两种,一种是 通过Ctrl+Alt+T打开终端,然后输入: sudo gedit /etc/environment 之后输入password,打开系统变量的配置文件。...系统环境变量。直接在末尾加入 :你要设置的路径。 使用冒号:切割目录。 之后保存退出,在终端通过。 source /etc/environment 使其生效。...通常是设置用户环境...
CI/CD variables are a type of environment variable. You can use them to: Control the behavior of jobs andpipelines. Store values you want to re-use. Avoid hard-coding values in your.gitlab-ci.ymlfile. You canoverride variable valuesfor a specific pipeline when yourun a pipeline manually,...
The JAVA_HOME environment variable is not defined correctly This environment variable is needed to run this program NB: JAVA_HOME should point to a JDK not a JRE ERROR: Error cloning remote repo 'origin' hudson.plugins.git.GitException: Could not init D:\jenkins-slave\workspace\jenkins_maven_...
Select Add variable and fill in the details: Key: Must be one line, with no spaces, using only letters, numbers, or _. Value: No limitations. Type: Variable (default) or File. Environment scope: Optional. All (default) (*), a specific environment, or a wildcard environment scope...
Create a text file called_netrcin your home directory (e.g.c:\users\kannonboy\_netrc). cURL has problems resolving your home directory if it contains spaces in its path (e.g.c:\Documents and Settings\kannonboy). However, you can update your%HOME%environment variable to point to any dir...
* You already have a public ssh key on your local machine you can use that to initialize the repository. Don't have one?Look here. * You have customised an editor by setting the environment variable EDITOR to your favourite editor. (see below) ...
For now, gitosis uses the HOME environment variable to locate where to write its files. If you use sudo -u without -H, sudo will leave the old value of HOME in place, and this will cause trouble. There will be a workaround for that later on, but for now, always remember to use ...