[edit] when I first read your question, I somehow thought that thenew/directorywas also created and pushed onoldRepository. So I inferred the modifications inoldRepositorywere applied tonew/directory/file, and I found thus surprising that git would not list the history ofnew/directory/f...
tig is a terminal-based viewer with color support similar to the GUI-based gitk. Quick Install: APT: apt-get install tig Homebrew (OS X): $ brew install tig Use it to view history on a single file: tig [filename] Or browse the detailed repository history via: tig Share Improve this...
git add -A 保存所有的修改 git add . 保存新的添加和修改,但是不包括删除 git add -u 保存修改和删除,但是不包括新建文件。 所以默认使用git add -A就行 git checkout git checkout既可以操作分支,也可以操作文件 git checkout切换分支 $ git checkout -b newBranchName Switched to a new branch 'newB...
然后git status来查看下状态: phantom01@phantom01-VirtualBox:~/work/learn_git$ git status# On branch master## Initial commit## Untracked files:# (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)## readme.md## nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git...
There is another history-rewriting option that you can use if you need to rewrite a larger number of commits in some scriptable way – for instance, changing your e-mail address globally or removing a file from every commit. The command isfilter-branch, and it can rewrite huge swaths of ...
如果你不需要特定版本的chromium,推荐使用fetch --nohooks chromium --no-history命令,加入--no-history选项能少下载接近一半的数据量,因为它会只拉取最新的提交,而不是整个历史。这样可以节省你的网络流量和磁盘空间。 如果需要特定版本的chromium,必须全量拉取,否则切换版本时错误较多,一个个修复相当麻烦。可以使用fe...
To modify a commit that is farther back in your history, you must move to more complex tools. Git doesn’t have a modify-history tool, but you can use the rebase tool to rebase a series of commits onto the HEAD they were originally based on instead of moving them to another one. Wit...
当我运行git log myfile.c时,在此命令的输出中看不到提交9ffff。但是,当我运行一个git log --follow myfile.c时,我看到此命令中的提交9ffff前面有一个合并提交8ffff。根据git参考文档提供的--follow选项continues listing the history of a file beyond renames (works only for a single file)。鉴于上述...
Git History Quickly browse the history of files in any git repo: Go to a file inGitHub(orGitLab, orBitbucket) Replacegithub.comwithgithub.githistory.xyz There's no step three Try it If you like this project considerbacking my open source work on Patreon!
12)、history 查看命令历史。 13)、help 帮助。 14)、exit 退出。 15)、#表示注释 4.2Git配置 所有的配置文件,其实都保存在本地! 查看配置git config -l 查看不同级别的配置文件: #查看系统configgit config --system --list#查看当前用户(global)配置git config --global--list ...