本来应该一切都是正常的,但今天提交的时候提示 GPG 签名错误。 错误的信息就是 GPG 签名失败。 gpg: skipped "942395299055675C": No secret key gpg: signing failed: No secret key error: gpg failed to sign the data fatal: failed to write commit object 1. 2. 3. 4. 解决方案 开始认为是因为签名...
错误的信息就是 GPG 签名失败。gpg: skipped "942395299055675C": No secret keygpg: signing failed: No secret keyerror: gpg failed to sign the datafatal: failed to write commit object 解决方案 开始认为是因为签名错误,后来发现签名的秘钥都是正确的。最后确定为 git 的配置文件中,没有指定签名使用的程...
gpg: skipped "942395299055675C": No secret key gpg: signing failed: No secret key error: gpg failed to sign the data fatal: failed to write commit object 解决方案 开始认为是因为签名错误,后来发现签名的秘钥都是正确的。 最后确定为 git 的配置文件中,没有指定签名使用的程序。 [gpg] program = "...
本来应该一切都是正常的,但今天提交的时候提示 GPG 签名错误。 错误的信息就是 GPG 签名失败。 代码语言:javascript 复制 gpg:skipped"942395299055675C":No secret keygpg:signing failed:No secret keyerror:gpg failed to sign the datafatal:failed to write commit object 解决方案 开始认为是因为签名错误,后来发...
gpg: skipped "3E81C***": secret key not available gpg: signing failed: secret key not available error: gpg failed to sign the data fatal: failed to write commit object You need to configure the secret key before using it. git config...
SashaChernykh@DESKTOP-EEOT0TN D:\SashaGitHub $ git commit -m "[Test] gpg4win" gpg: skipped "DBA8E7A2": secret key not available gpg: signing failed: secret key not available error: gpg failed to sign the data fatal: failed to write commit object ...
gpg签名 将您的签名密钥告知 Git - GitHub 文档 如果报错,如下错误: gpg: skipped "XXXXXXXXXX": No secret key gpg: signing failed: No secret key error: gpg failed to sign the data fatal: failed to write commit object $ git config --global gpg.program"C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuPG\bin\gp...
类型标题描述 feat特性新特性 fixBUG修订修复了BUG docs文档只修改了文档 style样式修改不...
``` 还可以**通过-s用私钥签名一个标签**: **$ git tag -s v0.2 -m ”signed version 0.2 released” fec145a** 签名采用PGP签名,因此,必须首先安装gpg(GnuPG),如果没有找到gpg,或者没有gpg密钥对,就会报错: `gpg: signing failed: secret key not availableerror: gpg failed to sign the data...
【1】提交代码时,提示:gpg: signing failed: No secret key 解决方法: 使用git config --list 查看有没有:commit.gpgsign=true 如果这项为true关闭掉,即可。 关闭:git config commit.gpgsign false; 【2】提交master分支时, GitLab: You are not allowed to push code to protected branches on this projec...