如果我们希望彻底丢掉本地修改但是又不希望更改branch所指向的commit,则执行git reset --hard = git reset --hard HEAD. i.e. don't change the branch but get rid of all local changes.另外一个场景是简单地移动branch从一个到另一个commit而保持index/work区域同步。这将确实令你丢失你的工作,因为它将修...
如果我们希望彻底丢掉本地修改但是又不希望更改branch所指向的commit,则执行git reset --hard = git reset --hard HEAD. i.e. don't change the branch but get rid of all local changes.另外一个场景是简单地移动branch从一个到另一个commit而保持index/work区域同步。这将确实令你丢失你的工作,因为它将修...
Alice will use her working tree and the index to resolve conflicts, and existing local changes will interfere with the conflict resolution process (Git will still perform the fetch but will refuse to merge — Alice will have to get rid of her local changes in some way and pull again ...
remove changes added to existing file etc and the various approaches; Where in the other SO thread only address how to remove local commit. If you added a file, and you want to remove that alone, then
Alice will use her working tree and the index to resolve conflicts, and existing local changes will interfere with the conflict resolution process (Git will still perform the fetch but will refuse to merge --- Alice will have to get rid of her local changes in some way and pull again when...
Discarding All Local Changes If you want to undoallof your current changes, you can use thegit restorecommand with the "." parameter (instead of specifying a file path): $ git restore . If, additionally, you have untracked (= new) files in your Working Copy and want to get rid of th...
如果我们希望彻底丢掉本地修改但是又不希望更改branch所指向的commit,则执行git reset --hard = git reset --hard HEAD. i.e. don't change the branch but get rid of all local changes.另外一个场景是简单地移动branch从一个到另一个commit而保持index/work区域同步。不过它将修改你的work tree。
https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/206309079-Changes-Local-View-Error-Updating-Changes The text of the error message is misleading. The problem actually happens when the background changes update occurs while another SVN operation (update ...
Get rid of any local changes that are not committed: go into each submodule, and run git reset --hard Make sure each submodule is on the commit that the top-level Git repo wants, by running git submodule update at the top level. Share Improve this answer Follow answered Dec 10, 2021...
The branch is enclosed in parentheses, and a * next to the branch name indicates staged changes.All commands should work for at least git version 2.13.0. See the git website to update your local git version.Table of Contents generated with DocToc...