源码管理:在Repository URL中填写GitLab中的项目地址;Branches to build此处的Branch Specifier是触发Jenkins Job时由Jenkins自动拉取的代码的分支,可以填写一个固定的指定分支,如master,也可以写正则表达式。另外,也可以填写${gitlabSourceBranch}。如果填写${gitlabSourceBranch},表示从git读取Merge Request的源分支,使用...
具体提示见以下: [root@cn-hxh-ope gamecode]#git pullYou arenotcurrently on a branch. Please specify which branch you want to merge with. See git-pull(1)fordetails. git pull<remote> <branch> 这里的原因是因为不在master分支,在tag或者其它分支上。使用git branch查看,目前在一个tag上。 这里解...
我也是通过git log打印出来分支信息,然后用git branch切换到一个比较老的分支进行用yocto下编译这个包,当我再次切换回正常的分支进行git pull的时候一直提示我一个错误。 log信息如下: You are not currently on a branch. Please specify which branch you want tomerge with. See git-pull(1) for details. gi...
On branch master // 当前为 master 分支 No commits yet // 本地仓库还没有任何提交 Changes to be committed: // 暂存区将要被提交的修改,也就是已经从工作区 add 到暂存区中的文件,commit 之后将进入本地仓库 (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage) // 使用 ”git rm --cached <file...
On branchmaster, I see: Initial commit Untracked files: (use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed) .CFUserTextEncoding .Trash/ .adobe/ .bash_history .bash_sessions/ .config/ .cups/ .dvdcss/ .gitconfig .ssh/ .tblive-4/ .viminfo Applications/ Desktop/ Documents/ Do...
GetWorkItemTypeExpand GitAnnotatedTag GitArtifactDownloadInput GitAsyncOperationStatus GitAsyncRefOperation GitAsyncRefOperationDetail GitAsyncRefOperationFailureStatus GitAsyncRefOperationParameters GitAsyncRefOperationSource GitBaseVersionDescriptor GitBlobRef GitBranchStats GitChange GitCherryPick GitCommit GitCommit...
git tag --contains |tail-1 git tag --containslists all tags in the current branch,tail -1limits the count of output results to be 1,and it will be the latest one. Share Copy link Improve this answer Follow editedJan 1, 2020 at 2:10 ...
on a branch, then normally you'd setbase_treeto the SHA1 of the Git tree object of the current latest commit on the branch you're working on. If not provided, GitHub will create a new Git tree object from only the entries defined in thetreeparameter. If you create a new commit ...
my_branch # git commit -m "on my_brach:modify main.c" //将修改提交到 my_branch # ...