Show directions on how to proceed from the current state in the output of git-status[1], in the template shown when writing commit messages in git-commit[1], and in the help message shown by git-switch[1] or git-checkout[1] when switching branches. statusUoption Shown when git-statu...
The current commit from the list of commits that are being cherry picked or reverted. C# 複製 [System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMember(EmitDefaultValue=false)] public string CurrentCommitId { get; set; } Property Value String Attributes DataMemberAttribute Applies...
When no <revision range> is specified, it defaults to HEAD (i.e. the whole history leading to the current commit). origin..HEAD specifies all the commits reachable from the current commit (i.e. HEAD), but not from origin. For a complete list of ways to spell <revision range>, see ...
changedLineCount =1changedLineInfo.addChangeInfo(changedLineStart, changedLineCount)returnchangedLineInfodefprepareInfomation():""" 执行一些操作,准备好数据并且返回: :return: 一个 map, key 为本次 commit 导致的"非删除文件"的路径(相对于 git 仓库的路径); value 为 ChangedInfo 对象,表示该文件的改动...
The current commit from the list of commits that are being cherry picked or reverted. TypeScript 复制 currentCommitId: string Property Value string failureMessage Detailed information about why the cherry pick or revert failed to complete. TypeScript 复制 failureMessage: string Property Value ...
命令git commit -m "added info",可以将暂存区中的文件提交到本地仓库 以上我们就完成了本地对源代码的基本的版本控制,简单来说,每当我们的工作区有了变动,我们就通过git add将改动添加到暂存区,然后通过git commit将其提交到本地仓库。 如果此时我们试着向readme.md中写入一些东西,然后重复上述操作,将其提交,...
:return: 一个 map, key 为本次 commit 导致的"非删除文件"的路径(相对于 git 仓库的路径); value 为 ChangedInfo 对象,表示该文件的改动行信息. """ gitCmd = "git diff --unified=0 --diff-filter=d HEAD~1 HEAD" gitDiffOutputRaw = subprocess.check_output(gitCmd.split(" ")) ...
const{getAuthor}=require('@cypress/commit-info')getAuthor('path/to/repo').then(name=>...) getBranch Resolves with the current git branch name ornull. const{getBranch}=require('@cypress/commit-info')getBranch().then(branch=>...) ...
COMMIT 一个“commit”只指向一个"tree",它用来标记项目某一个特定时间点的状态。它包括一些关于时间点的元数据,如时间戳、最近一次提交的作者、指向上次提交(commits)的指针等等。 TAG 一个“tag”是来标记某一个提交(commit) 的方法。 几乎所有的Git功能都是使用这四个简单的对象类型来完成的。它就像是在你本...
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