public static String getCurrentBranch() { String command = “git branch –show-current”; return executeCommand(command).trim(); } “` 在上面的代码中,我们使用了`git branch –show-current`命令来获取当前分支。方法`trim()`用于删除返回结果中的空格和换行符。 4. 可以在主方法中调用`getCurrentBran...
1. 创建一个名为``的Shell脚本文件。2. 打开该文件,在文件中输入以下代码: “`bash#!/bin/bash current_branch=$(git symbolic-ref –short HEAD)echo “当前分支:$current_branch”“` 3. 保存并关闭文件。4. 在终端中定位到存放``文件的目录。5. 运行以下命...
We know if we launch thegit branchcommand without any options, Git will print all local branches and put the current branch on the first line, with a “*” character in front of the name: $ git branch * feature master Therefore, we can parse thegit branchcommand’s output to get the ...
> There is no tracking information for the current branch. Please specify which branch you want to merge with. 这个报错的意思是:新建的本地分支在推送远程仓库时,本地的分支与远程分支没有建立关联。 查看关联 git branch -vv:可以查看本地分支与远程仓库的关联关系 ...
网上尝试了很多方法,都不太见效,可能是每个人的代码情况不同,我是这样操作的:选中紧接着不想push已经commit的记录前面一条 提交记录,右键点击,选中reset Current Branch to Here 即可,这样就会把commit的的内容给去掉了。其实也就是将上图中7分钟的commit到本地仓库的代码从仓库里面删除掉,这样之前已经commit的但未...
"gitBranchName"); }); if (anyMatch) { GitRepository gitRepository = GitBranchUtil.getCurrentRepository(e.getProject()); String gitBranchName = gitRepository.getCurrentBranch().findTrackedBranch(gitRepository).getName(); String gitRepositoryName = gitRepository.getRemotes().stream() .filter(Objec...
<<< hash1 (stuff from the current branch) === (the pivot point between two branches’ content) >>> hash2 (stuff from the branch being merged) Once a conflict is resolved, you can git add the file back and then commit the merge. stage和add这两单词混用... ...
我们目前看到的命令是:git clone,git branch,git checkout,git add,git commit,git merge,git pull,git push 这些都是Git最重要的命令,伴随着整个Git的使用过程。当然,在实际工作中不会像示例里这么简单,我们经常需要用git status查看工作区和暂存区状态,用git log查看提交版本,用git diff查看不同区域的差异,用...
C:/Program\ Files/Git/usr/bin/sh.exe# Get the current branch namebranch_name=$(git branch --show-current)# Check if the commit message file existsif[[ -f"$1"]];then# Prepend the branch name to the commit messagesed -i"1s/^/$branch_name: /""$1"fi...