git branch [--color[=<when>] | --no-color] [--show-current] [-v [--abbrev=<n> | --no-abbrev]] [--column[=<options>] | --no-column] [--sort=<key>] [--merged [<commit>]] [--no-merged [<commit>]] [--contains [<commit>]] [--no-contains [<commit>]] [--points...
opening parenthesis before the list of branch names in log --decorate output) is set to be painted with bold or some other attribute. However, custom log formats may do more complicated and layered coloring, and the negated forms may be useful there. pathname A variable that takes a ...
GitLab adds extra requirements for branch names, and provides benefits for well-structured branch names. GitLab enforces these additional rules on all branches: No spaces are allowed in branch names. Branch names with 40 hexadecimal characters are prohibited, because they are similar to Git ...
Keep the branch names descriptive but as short and simple as possible, especially when collaborating on a project. Developers need to quickly identify what the branch is for by looking at the branch name. For example, to improve the following branch name: feature/user-authentication-system-with-...
Create a new local branchbased on your currently checked out branch. If you also provide a SHA-1 hash of a specific revision, your new branch will use that commit as its starting point. The Git Cheat Sheet No need to remember all those commands and parameters: get our popular "Git Cheat...
Create a new branchNote Branch names can't contain ASCII control characters, such as spaces, tildes, and colons. It's common practice to use lowercase characters and to separate words with a hyphen. Forward slashes can be used to group branches. Branch name length shouldn't exceed 250 ASCII...
Filter push events sent to your webhook endpoint by the branch name. Use one of these filtering options: All branches: Receive push events from all branches. Wildcard pattern: Receive push events from branches that match a wildcard pattern. Regular expression: Receive push events from branches ...
11)、分支(Branch)从主线上分离开的副本,默认分支叫master 12)、锁(Lock)获得修改文件的专有权限。 13)、头(HEAD)头是一个象征性的参考,最常用以指向当前选择的分支。 14)、修订(Revision)表示代码的一个版本状态。Git通过用SHA1 hash算法表示的ID来标识不同的版本。 15)、标记(Tags)标记指的是某个分支某...
By calling up the remote—whichgit ls-remotedoes as well; try it sometime; note that it may produce a lot of output and you might want to pipe it through a pager—thegit showcommand can find out which branch names existonthe remote. This helps it figure out whatgit...
当前有2个分支master和dev2,当执行git clone的时候会clone下来远程分支到本地远程分支,并且默认本地分支显示master分支,使用git branche可以看到的本地分支只有master,git branch -r可以看到远程2个分支。当使用git checkout dev2 的时候,就会把本地远程分支加入到本地分支中,使用git branch就可以看到本地有2...