Git for Windows’ updaternow uses non-intrusive toast notifications on Windows 8, 8.1 and 10. Runninggit fetchin a repository with lots of refsis now considerably faster. Comes withcURL v7.57.0. Bug 修复 The experimental--show-ignored-directoryoption ofgit statuswhich was removed in Git for ...
或者一个功能完成了,而别的部分还没有完善不应该进入代码库,这时候如果使用git add file-name的话,...
* Git for Windows' updater is now accessible, i.e. it can be read by a screen reader. * git update-git-for-windows (i.e. the auto updater of Git for Windows) now reports correctly when it failed to access the GitHub API. * Git for Windows' updater no longer runs into GitHub API...
防止或解决Git for Windows updater在路径中更改Git二进制优先级的问题 使用Get-Command解析这两个二进制文件,然后使用Set-Alias隐藏优先于所需二进制文件的二进制文件: $gitForWindows = Get-Command git -All |Where-Object Source -notlike *cygwin* |Select-Object -First 1Set-Alias git -Value $gitForWind...
git for windows v2.15.0安装包是最新版本的git分布式控制系统,用作团队代码管理,功能强大,开源免费,需要的用赶快来下载吧。 更新内容 Git for Windows v2.15.0 正式版发布了。主要更新内容如下: 新功能 Comes with Git v2.15.0. Bug 修复 The auto-updater tried to run at a precise time, and did not...
Install a scheduled task to try to auto-update Git for Windows }if IsComponentInstalled('autoupdate') then begin if not Exec(ExpandConstant('{sys}\cmd.exe'),ExpandConstant('/C schtasks /Create /F /SC DAILY /TN "Git for Windows Updater" /TR "'+#39+'{app}\bin\git.exe'+#39+' upda...
The meta credential-helper used by the Portable Git edition of Git for Windows sometimes crashed, which has been fixed. The auto-updater no longer suggests to downgrade from -rc0 versions. FilenameSHA-256 Git-2.32.0-rc3-64-bit.exe ae5abecab7dc607c944bfb3125c275042906b29755b3d0075aa312035...
– 操作系统提供了一些软件更新工具,如 Windows Update(Windows)、App Store(macOS)、Software Updater(Linux)等。打开这些工具并检查是否有可用的 Git 更新。 无论你选择哪种方法进行 Git 更新,确保备份你的代码仓库和设置,以防万一。另外,更新 Git 可能需要管理员权限,因此在执行更新操作时可能需要提供管理员密码或...
" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" file:C:/Users/shanl/.gitconfig merge.tool=bc4 file:C:/Users/shanl/.gitconfig mergetool.bc4.cmd="C:\Program Files\Beyond Compare 4\BComp.exe" "$REMOTE" "$LOCAL" "$BASE" "$MERGED" file:C:/Users/shanl/.gitconfig winupdater.recentlyseenversion=2.17.1...
Release Notes for Mac Mac Windows Fork 2.50 7 Feb 2025 Improved Highlight search matches in branch labels Improved Add Ghostty terminal Improved Add 'skip' option to bisect Improved Update git-lfs to 3.6.0 Fork 2.49 7 Dec 2024 Improved Show upstreams when removing multiple local ...