git官网地址: https://git-scm.com 淘宝镜像地址: https://npm.taobao.org/mirrors/git-for-windows/
(And, since GfW is indeed based on a Un*x for Windows system which - in its full install - does have a package manager, I was wondering what would be involved... etc.) rimrulmentioned this issueSep 3, 2019 mikebeatonclosed this ascompletedFeb 13, 2020 ...
Pro Gitby Scott Chacon and Ben Straub is available toread online for free. Dead tree versions are available onAmazon.com. Latest source Release 2.48.1Release Notes(2025-01-13)Download for Windows Windows GUIsTarballs Mac BuildSource Code
windows 环境下载地址:https://github.com/coreybutler/nvm-windows/releases, 我们选择第一个:nvm-noinstall.zip 下载完成后解压到一个地方,比如: C:\develop\nvm 里面的文件列表是这样的:elevate.cmd、elevate.vbs、install.cmd、LICENSE、nvm.exe。然后完成以下操作: ...
Git LFS is included in the distribution ofGit for Windows. Alternatively, you can install a recent version of Git LFS from theChocolateypackage manager. From binary Binary packagesare available for Linux, macOS, Windows, and FreeBSD. The binary packages include a script which will: ...
Package Manager 没有提供用来输入 HTTP 的用户名和密码或者输入口令短语来解锁 SSH 密钥的交互式终端或对话框。要绕过这一点,请使用下列其中一种变通方法: 使用凭据管理器(Git Credential Manager for Windows或OSXKeyChain)。 从终端或命令提示符窗口中使用git-credentials。然后,从同一终端启动 Hub,以便 Unity 可以...
2.48.1 Release Notes (2025-01-13) Download for Windows GUI Clients Git comes with built-in GUI tools (git-gui, gitk), but there are several third-party tools for users looking for a platform-specific experience. View GUI Clients → Logos Various Git logos in PNG (bitmap) and EPS ...
clonecommand waits until the checkout is complete, and then downloads any required Git LFS files as a batch. This takes advantage of parallelized downloads, and dramatically reduces the number of HTTP requests and processes spawned (which is especially important for improving performance on Windows...
Git for Windows uses OpenSSL for its certificate store and the set of certificates comes with the Git for Windows package. You can disable SSL verification for git.exe through your .gitconfig file, or use the http.sslCAInfo and http.sslCAPath configuration options to help Git for Windows ...