在Git提交信息中,Author与Committer各自代表不同的角色。Author是提交代码更改的原始作者,他们负责编写代码并提出修改请求。Committer则是将这些更改整合到仓库中的人。在许多项目中,可能会限制只有少数成员能够应用更改,但他们可以接受来自其他成员的提交请求。通过使用git commit --reset-author或--author=...
git commit 修改author信息 一、修改一条提交: git commit --amend --author="作者 <邮箱@xxxx.com>"--no-edit git push --force -f, --force 强制提交,否则服务端认为你是有误的修改 参考、来源: https://blog.csdn.net/shi_tianzhu/article/details/119963296 https://www.cnblogs.com/wutou/p/17642...
commit 3#Please enter the commit messageforyour changes. Lines starting#with'#'will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.## Author: ming <ming@ming.com>#Date: Mon Jun 7 22:05:18 2021 +0800## On branch master## On branch main## Changes to be committed:#new file: .....
git commit --amend --author="果冻" 输入git commit --amend之后,进入编辑模式,修改提交信息,然后按wq保存退出。 如果不想修改提交信息,则添加--no-edit,如下所示: git commit --amend --author="果冻不吃皮 <mn@furzoom.com>" --no-edit git commit --amend命令只会修改最后一次commit的信息,之前的co...
git add -A git commit -m"Make small wording change; ignore editor backups" 此範例會使用-A選項搭配git add新增所有未追蹤 (且未忽略) 的檔案,以及已變更為在 Git 控制下檔案的檔案。 如果您現在執行git diff,輸出將會是空的,因為已認可變更。 不過,您一律可以使用git diff HEAD^命令來比較最新認可與...
https://help.github.com/en/github/using-git/changing-author-info https://blog.tinned-software.net/rewrite-author-of-entire-git-repository/ Rewriting the history is done with “git filter-branch” by walking through the complete history. For each commit, filters are applied after which the chan...
By default, with no arguments,git loglists the commits made in that repository in reverse chronological order; that is, the most recent commits show up first. As you can see, this command lists each commit with its SHA-1 checksum, the author’s name and email, the date written, and the...
git commit -m"Make small wording change; ignore editor backups" 此示例将-A选项与git add结合使用,以添加所有未跟踪(和未忽略)的文件,以及已更改并受 Git 控制的文件。 如果现在执行git diff,则输出将为空,因为更改已提交。 不过,你始终可以使用git diff HEAD^命令来比较最新提交和先前提交之间的差异。 尝...
I want to find a string in any commit I want to find by author/committer I want to list commits containing specific files I want to view the commit history for a specific function Find a tag where a commit is referenced Submodules Clone all submodules Remove a submodule Miscellaneous Obje...
Show directions on how to proceed from the current state in the output of git-status[1], in the template shown when writing commit messages in git-commit[1], and in the help message shown by git-switch[1] or git-checkout[1] when switching branches. statusUoption Shown when git-statu...