Find all branches you’ve authored To find all branches you’ve authored in a project, run this command in a Git repository: gitfor-each-ref--format='%(authoremail) %(refname:short)'|grep$(git To get a total of all branches in a project, sorted by author, ...
The remote to push to may be overridden with remote.pushDefault (for all branches). The remote to push to, for the current branch, may be further overridden by branch.<name>.pushRemote. If no remote is configured, or if you are not on any branch and there is more than one remote ...
Use binary search to find the commit that introduced a bug git-branch[1] List, create, or delete branches git-bundle[1] Move objects and refs by archive git-checkout[1] Switch branches or restore working tree files git-cherry-pick[1] Apply the changes introduced by some exist...
1.git config 用法:git config [<选项>] #用法:git config [<选项>]#配置文件位置--global#使用全局配置文件--system#使用系统级配置文件--local#使用仓库级配置文件--worktree#使用工作区级别的配置文件-f, --file <文件>#使用指定的配置文件--blob <数据对象 ID>#从给定的数据对象读取配置#操作--get#获...
4. “fatal: Couldn’t find remote ref“错误:这种错误通常发生在你尝试拉取一个不存在的分支。检查拼写是否正确,并确认远程仓库是否存在该分支。 5. “fatal: refusing to merge unrelated branches”错误:这种错误通常发生在你尝试合并两个不相关的分支时。解决方法是先通过创建一个新的分支来合并这两个分支的...
Branches:当前节点最近的HEAD分支,当前提交的分支可跳转。 (也可以这样说,与该commit产生关联的分支是哪些) Follows:当前节点最近的上一个Tag。 Precedes:当前节点最近的下一个Tag,有可能是计划Tag。 Tag:当前为tag时会显示标签信息。 说明一下Author和Committer的含义 ...
- [master] Octopus merge of branches 'diff-fix' and 'commit-fix' + * [commit-fix] Fix commit message normalization. +* [diff-fix] Fix rename detection. +* [diff-fix~1] Better common substring algorithm. * [master~1] Release candidate #1 ...
First, I'd like to remove alllocal branchesexceptmaster: Have a check by: $ git branch|grep-v-E*master*optimize_by_regex optimize_map_store_method optimize_use_rect And yes, these are exactly the branches you want to remove, so: ...
Some of the most important and most used commands that you'll find there are: git clone [url]:Clone(download) a repository that already exists on GitHub, including all of the files, branches, and commits. git status: Always a good idea, this command shows you what branch you're on, ...
Now we have created a new branch from master, and changed to it. We can safely fix the error without disturbing the other branches. Let's fix our imaginary error: Example <!DOCTYPEhtml> Hello World! Hello world! This is the...