针对你提到的 git fetch failed with exit code: 128 错误,这里有几个可能的解决步骤,你可以按照这些步骤逐一排查和解决问题: 检查网络连接: 确保你的设备可以正常访问互联网。 尝试ping远程仓库的服务器地址,检查网络连通性。 确认远程仓库地址是否正确: 检查你的 .git/config 文件中配置的远程仓库地址是否正确...
上面配置完,还是出现 Error: Command failed with exit 128: git 报错 1、cd /usr/local/Homebrew (为你电脑 Homebrew 的路径) 2、git status 看是否git正常,如下图配置 3、git fetch image.png 4、brew update 4.1 报错 curl: (6) Could not resolve host: formulae.brew.sh, 就是网络问题,最好翻墙。
2022-11-08T20:07:15.9432125Z ##[error]Downloading artifacts failed: System.InvalidOperationException: Git fetch failed with exit code: 128 at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Agent.Worker.Build.GitSourceProvider.GetSourceAsync(IExecutionContext executionContext, ServiceEndpoint endpoint, CancellationTo...
I get this error every time I make a release through the pipeline using an agent. I checked access settings but it was in vain. any idea about this...
always try to remove any auth header before git fetch from git config. #425 Merged ppanyukov commented Jul 21, 2016 Not sure if this is exactly same issue, but we don't have "ad-hoc scripts can access token" option enabled and just got git exit with 128. I wonder if we have...
Build fails with "Git fetch failed with exit code: 128" error with bitbucket repository Closed - Not Enough Info16 $$$ANON_USER$$ -Reported Aug 17, 2018 1:14 AM This same problem happened on Monday Aug 6 as well as Monday Aug 13 and now again today (Aug ...
should specify a branch such as 'master'. fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly Gogs: Internal error Failed to execute git command: exit status 128 error: failed to push some refs to 'git@gogs.my.fqdn:/orax/test-repo.git' # git remote show origin * remote origin Fetch URL: git...
not found: git fetch -f origin refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* refs/tags/*:refs/tags/* in /tmp/gopath/pkg/mod/cache/vcs/8eea11372126785a8151b198f827943fec6fece8102bd0344cbac5ff340a6b22: exit status 128:fatal: could not read Username for 'https://gitlab.com': terminal prompts disabled ...
* If the child process ran and we are now going to exit, emit a * generic string as our trace2 command verb to indicate that we * launched a dashed command. */ if (status >= 0) exit(status); else if (errno != ENOENT) exit(128); } static int run_argv(int *arg...
* The xxdiff difftool backend can exit with status 128, which the difftool-helper that launches the backend takes as a significant failure, when it is not significant at all. Work it around. (merge 571f4348dd da/mergetools-special-case-xxdiff-exit-128 later to maint). ...