【强行拉取】 git fetch --all 【强行指定版本】 git reset --hard origin/master 【强行合并】 git pull origin master 如何生成ssh公钥 【选择目录】cd~【生成ssh】ssh-keygen-t rsa-C"619596123@qq.com"// 三次回车即可生成 ssh key【查看秘钥】cat~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub// 添加后,在终端(Terminal)中输...
Thegit fetchcommand gets all the changes from a remote repository. The fetched metadata resides in the.gitdirectory, while the working directory stays unaltered. Effectively,git fetchretrieves the metadata without applying changes locally. The git pull command combinesgit fetchand git merge functions ...
Set to true to write a commit-graph after every git fetch command that downloads a pack-file from a remote. Using the --split option, most executions will create a very small commit-graph file on top of the existing commit-graph file(s). Occasionally, these files will merge and the wr...
A name referring to a list of repositories as the value of remotes.<group> in the configuration file. (Seegit-config[1]). <refspec> Specifies which refs to fetch and which local refs to update. When no <refspec>s appear on the command line, the refs to fetch are read fromremote.<re...
git fetch 从远程仓库获取数据到本地仓库,但不自动合并 进阶指令 指令描述 git stash 暂存当前工作目录的修改,以便可以切换分支 git cherry-pick 选择一个提交,将其作为新的提交引入 git rebase 将提交从一个分支移动到另一个分支 git reset 重设当前 HEAD 到指定状态,可选修改工作区和暂存区 git revert 通过创建...
在菜单栏选择 VCS / lmport into Version Control / Create Git Repository. 选择Git管理的项目 验证IDEA配置成功 本地仓库数据查看 推送本地仓库到远端仓库 七、IDEA中集成GitBash作为Terminal 八、重点说明 切换分支前先提交commit本地修改 (防止数据丢失) 代码及时提交,提交过了就不会丢...
Before installing this framework, please make sure you're using the correct version of Git in your system. You can check the current version via Terminal app: git --version $ git version 2.15.1 Carthage To install Carthage you can useHomebrew. Use the following command in Terminal app: ...
可以通过Key Mapping设置成和mac自带的Terminal一样的快捷键:“alt+左/右箭头” 选择“Preferences->Profiles->Keys”, 12、标题栏显示当前所在路径 打开~/.bash_profile,添加对PROMPT_COMMAND的配置 exportPROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;$PWD\007"' 效果: iTerm2 快捷命令 命令 说明 command + t 新建...
1. Run the git status command to ensure that HEAD is pointing to the correct merge-receiving (master) branch. If it is not, run git checkout master to switch to the master branch. 2. Run git fetch to pull the latest remote commits and git pull to ensure the main branch has the lat...
If you already have a local repositorywith a remote URLset up for the desired project, you can grab all the new information by usinggit fetch *remotename*in the terminal: git fetchremotename# Fetches updates made to a remote repository ...