The output lists the local branches, marks the currently active branch, and then lists all the branches in the remote repository. Listing all branches helps compare the project state in the remote and the local repository. This method allows you to synchronize the changes if there are any. Con...
Step 4: Git fetch Remote Branch To fetch all remote server branches, execute the “git fetch” command with the remote repository name: $git fetchorigin As you can see in the below-provided output, all remote branches are fetched: Step 5: List Remote Branches Lastly, list the fetched remot...
where,upstreamis the remote you want to fetch from. I accidentally deleted my branch If you're regularly pushing to remote, you should be safe most of the time. But still sometimes you may end up deleting your branches. Let's say we create a branch and create a new file: (master)$ ...
remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 3 (delta 0) Unpacking objects: 100% (3/3), done. From * [new branch] serverfix -> origin/serverfix It’s important to note that when you do a fetch that brings down new remote-tracking branches, you don’t...
When fetching refs listed on the command line, use the specified refspec (can be given more than once) to map the refs to remote-tracking branches, instead of the values ofremote.*.fetchconfiguration variables for the remote repository. Providing an empty<refspec>to the--refmapoption causes ...
使用-r和-d删除远程跟踪分支。请注意,只有当远程存储库中不再存在远程跟踪分支或git fetch配置为不再获取它们时,删除远程跟踪分支才有意义。另请参阅git-Remote(1)的prune子命令,了解清理所有过时远程跟踪分支的方法。 使用 -a/--all 列出远程跟踪分支和本地分支。与--list组合以匹配可选模式。
$ git push -f [remote] [branch] 如果你还没有推到远程, 把Git重置(reset)到你最后一次提交前的状态就可以了(同时保存暂存的变化): (my-branch*)$ git reset --soft HEAD@{1} 这只能在没有推送之前有用. 如果你已经推了, 唯一安全能做的是git revert SHAofBadCommit, 那会创建一个新的提交(commit...
You can list the remote branches associated with a repository using the git branch -r, the git branch -a command or the git remote show command. To see local branches, use the git branch command. The git branch command lets you see a list of all the branches stored in your local ...
git branch 本地所有的分支列表(List all existing branches) git checkout 切换分支(Switch HEAD branch) git branch 创建新分支(Creat a new branch based on your current HEAD) git branch --track 创建一个新的分支基于一个远程的分支(Creat a new tracking branch based on a remote branch) git branch...