2. 然后,使用 `git status` 命令查看本地分支的状态。你会看到一个类似于 “Your branch is behind ‘origin/master’ by 3 commits, and can be fast-forwarded.” 的提示。 3. 接下来,你可以选择使用 `git merge` 或者 `git rebase` 命令将远程更新合并到你的本地分支。 – 如果你使用 `git merge`,...
hint: Diverging branches can't be fast-forwarded, you need to either: hint: hint: git merge --no-ff hint: hint: or: hint: hint: git rebase hint: hint: Disable this message with "git config advice.diverging false" fatal: Not possible to fast-forward, aborting. 或 git:(develop) git ...
Onbranch main Yourbranchisbehind'origin/main'by2commits,andcan be fast-forwarded. (use"git pull"to update yourlocalbranch) (消息译文:你现在处于 main 分支上。你的分支比 origin/main 分支落后了 2 个提交,可以进行快速前进。 (使用 git pull 命令可以更新你的本地分支)) 但“快速前移” 到底是何意?
在团队协作过程中,假设你和你的同伴在本地中分别有各自的新提交,而你的同伴先于你push了代码到远程分支上,所以你必须先执行git pull来获取同伴的提交,然后才能push自己的提交到远程分支。 而按照 Git 的默认策略,如果远程分支和本地分支之间的提交线图有分叉的话(即不是 fast-forwarded),Git 会执行一次merge操作...
$ git checkout master Switched to branch 'master' Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 2 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. Jessica 既可以先合并origin/master也可以先合并issue54——它们都是上游,所以顺序并没有关系。 不论她选择的顺序是什么最终的结果快照是完全一样的;只是历史会稍微有些不...
而按照 Git 的默认策略,如果远程分支和本地分支之间的提交线图有分叉的话(即不是 fast-forwarded),Git 会执行一次 merge 操作,因此产生一次没意义的提交记录,从而造成了像上图那样的混乱。 解决 其实在 pull 操作的时候,,使用git pull --rebase选项即可很好地解决上述问题。 加上--rebase参数的作用是,提交线图...
Your branch is behind ‘origin/master’ by 1 commit, and can be fast-forwarded. “` 如果没有更新,则会显示类似以下内容: “` Your branch is up to date with ‘origin/master’. “` 5. 如果本地分支滞后于远程分支,可以使用git pull命令将本地分支更新到最新的提交。这个命令会自动合并远程分支到...
Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 1 commit, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) Changes to be committed: (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage) new file: to_boss.txt $ git commit -m "[*]夸了我的boss" ...
On branch v0.3Your branch is behind'origin/v0.3' by133commits,and canbefast-forwarded.(use"git pull"to update your local branch)nothing to commit,working directory clean $ git log FETCH_HEAD (略) 你就能看到远程库所做的修改; git remote update && git status ...
Figure 22.masteris fast-forwarded tohotfix After your super-important fix is deployed, you’re ready to switch back to the work you were doing before you were interrupted. However, first you’ll delete thehotfixbranch, because you no longer need it — themasterbranch points at the same...