拉取Git failed with a fatal error could not read from remote repository 拉取远程代码,配置Git配置SSH公钥安装完Git以后,打开GitBash。执行如下命令生成ssh公钥:ssh-keygen-trsa-C“your_email@xxx.com”所有提示点击回车所有提示点击回车查看你的公钥:cat~/.ssh/id
1、打开windows控制面板->凭据管理器->windows凭据->普通凭据->找到git凭证并删除 2、重新克隆git 3、系统会让你输入git凭证,也就是你的git密码 4、克隆成功
Git failed with a fatal error. Authentication failed for ‘http://...’ 1. 首先你要看一下是不是自己的账号密码错误,不匹配 1 git config --global --list 2. 如果账号密码正确则尝试一下这个解决方案: 1 git config --system --unset credential.helper 3. 有些人可能会出现新的问题: error: cou...
就是出现了标题的英文,然后就在百度上搜索各种解决方法,首先搜了什么用命令提示符,结果输入指令后没有用,最后我找到了一种方法,把C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Team Explorer\Git\mingw32\bin目录下的libeay32.dll和ssleay32...
这几天用刚装的VS2017写了个程序,在提交推送到Github过程中提示了“Git failed with a fatal error”错误,输出窗口的提示如下图: Vs2017提交Github报错 解决方案 经过一番折腾后再网上找到如下解决方案: 把C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\Te...
第一步:生成personal access token 从github个人主页找到 Settings -> Developer settings -> Personal...
第一步:生成personal access token 从github个人主页找到 Settings -> Developer settings -> Personal...
Git failed with a fatal error. Authentication failed for 'http://tfs-2018:8080/tfs/cadclickcollection/CADClick%20Projects/_git/ccCatalog/' On the command line, cloning is working great. I tried already to log during a clone process and I can see only one significant difference. ...
for a few and then get the error “Git failed with a fatal error. fatal: unable to access ‘https://***/’: Failed to connect to xxx.visualstudio.com port 443: Timed out”. Thinking it is not working with the Windows proxy settings, I then tried setting an environment variable for...
今天从Gitee想要push代码,发现报错了:fatal: unable to access 'https://gitee.com/zhang-zhixi/emos-wx.git/': Failed 这里来记录一下,可能是因为前两天关闭了:ICS、主机网络服务导致的,这俩东西导致了我的ActiveMQ无法正常启动。 具体为什么关闭这两个服务,详情看我的这篇博客:ActiveMQ启动报错(端口被...