看右键菜单一目了然,Git Extensions 右键菜单中只有对整个 Repository(仓库)的操作,但是没有 Tortoisegit 那样简便的网络仓库的(PULL 和 PUSH)(拉取和推送)的操作 Git Extensions 也可以理解为一个编辑器,具有项目代码的编辑功能,而Tortoisegit 完全是版本控制,编辑需要借助 notepad2,Git GUI 转载自 Git Extensions是...
Here is how to change the entry for kernel.org to "ssh". % git config set --value='for kernel.org$' core.gitproxy '"ssh" for kernel.org' This makes sure that only the key/value pair for kernel.org is replaced. To delete the entry for renames, do % git config unset diff....
技巧是在.ssh目录下新建一个config文件配置一下,就能解决gitlab与github的ssh key的冲突。 做法如下:问题的关键是生成密钥对的时候需要指定文件 (1)生成公司的GitLab秘钥ssh key ssh-keygen -t rsa -C 'yourEmail@xx.com' -f ~/.ssh/gitlab-rsa 1. (2)生成github秘钥ssh key ssh-keygen -t rsa -C '...
unable to setup ssh connection for my repo Steps to reproduce I have an existing repo - that I've been using over https. Now I'm trying to switch to SSH. I've generated a public key using putty, registered it on the Azure DevOps. ...
You can also use the SSH Agent option to setup and manage your keys, and then tell GitKraken Desktop to use your agent.Adding an SSH Key to an SSH Agentby GitHub Using LFS installed using Homebrew on macOS If LFS was installed using Homebrew, it may not appear in your path. You can ...
f.在客户端,打开Git Extensions,点击“Clone repository”: g.在客户端,仓库地址应该是ssh://jinweijie@ryan-vm-01/ICW/home/jinweijie/mydotnetproject,请注意,服务端的仓库应该在C盘。 h.在客户端,点击“Load SSH Key”加载我们在4-b步骤中保存的秘钥: ...
% git config core.gitproxy '"ssh" for kernel.org' 'for kernel.org$' This makes sure that only the key/value pair for kernel.org is replaced. To delete the entry for renames, do % git config --unset diff.renames If you want to delete an entry for a multivar (like core.git...
如果來源存放庫是私人的,但可以使用基本身份驗證來存取(使用者名稱密碼、個人存取令牌等),請選取 [需要授權 ],然後輸入您的認證。 不支援 SSH 驗證,但您可以依照使用 git CLI 手動匯入存放庫中的步驟,手動匯入使用 SSH 驗證的存放庫。匯入現有的空白存放庫在空白 Git 存放庫的 [ 檔案] 頁面上,選取 [ 匯 入...
Git 仓库和 Github 中心仓库之间的传输是通过 SSH 加密。 如果工作区下没有 .ssh 目录,或者该目录下没有 id_rsa 和 id_rsa.pub 这两个文件,可以通过以下命令来创建 SSH Key: $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "youremail@example.com" 然后把公钥 id_rsa.pub 的内容复制到 Github "Account settings" 的 SSH ...