2: rungit lfs update --forceto overwrite your hook. ##[debug]STDOUT/STDERR stream read finished. ##[debug]Finished process 3852 with exit code 2, and elapsed time 00:00:00.7186298. ##[error]Git-lfs installation failed with exit code: 2 The agents are running in self-hosted Wi...
2020-10-01T05:51:23.8048103Z An error occurred during download: System.InvalidOperationException: Git lfs fetch failed with exit code: 2. Git lfs logs returned with exit code: 0. at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Agent.Worker.Build.GitSourceProvider.GetSourceAsync(IExecutionContext execut...
diff.<driver>.trustExitCode If this boolean value is set to true then the diff.<driver>.command command is expected to return exit code 0 if it considers the input files to be equal or 1 if it considers them to be different, like diff(1). If it is set to false, which is the ...
GIT_EXTERNAL_DIFF_TRUST_EXIT_CODE 如果这个布尔环境变量设置为 true,那么期望GIT_EXTERNAL_DIFF命令在认为输入文件相等时返回退出码 0,在认为它们不相等时返回退出码 1,类似于diff(1)。如果它设置为 false,这是默认值,那么期望该命令无论文件是否相等都返回退出码 0。任何其他的退出码都会导致 Git 报告一个致命...
最近在用git提交代码到部门服务器上的时候,总是有 提示 git did not exit cleanly (exit code 128)。网上有2种解决方式: 1、替换路径 1、鼠标右键 -> TortoiseGit -> Settings -> Network 2、SSH client was pointing to C:\Program Files\TortoiseGit\bin\TortoisePlink.exe ...
最近在用git提交代码到部门服务器上的时候,总是有 提示 git did not exit cleanly (exit code 128)。网上有2种解决方式: 1、替换路径 1、鼠标右键 -> TortoiseGit -> Settings -> Network 2、SSH client was pointing to C:\Program Files\TortoiseGit\bin\TortoisePlink.exe ...
Append "exec <cmd>" after each line creating a commit in the final history.<cmd>will be interpreted as one or more shell commands. Any command that fails will interrupt the rebase, with exit code 1. You may execute several commands by either using one instance of--execwith several command...
GIT_EXTERNAL_DIFF_TRUST_EXIT_CODE If this Boolean environment variable is set to true then theGIT_EXTERNAL_DIFFcommand is expected to return exit code 0 if it considers the input files to be equal or 1 if it considers them to be different, likediff(1). If it is set to false, which ...
Not compatible with --exit-code. --ws-error-highlight=<kind> Highlight whitespace errors in the context, old or new lines of the diff. Multiple values are separated by comma, none resets previous values, default reset the list to new and all is a shorthand for old,new,context. When ...
Le code d’erreur de sortie est non nul en cas de problèmes trouvés. Non compatible avec --exit-code.--ws-error-highlight=<sorte> Surligner les erreurs d’espace dans les lignes context (contexte), old (ancien) et new (nouveau) du diff. Des valeurs multiples sont séparées par ...