1、git stash pop 最后会打印出pop掉的commitid值,若这个记录还存在直接使用即可。 2、git fsck --lost-found, 会打印出所有dangling commit 找到commitID之后就去执行git stash apply commitID恢复你的工作区吧~
447cde8 Switch to multi-stage build, add level 1&2 8f78399 Change readme to README. 435fa36 Use long options for adduser, change lvl0 readme text, remove --update in apk add as --no-cache has implied that. d6b9f26 0.0.2: setup ssh service with dropbear at port 2220 48bd6b...
重置当前 HEAD 指针到上一个提交...然后丢弃自那以后的全部更改 | Reset your HEAD pointer to a previous commit ... and discard all changes since then# Copy git reset--hard<commit> ...然后作为未缓存更改保存全部更改 | ... and preserve all changes as unstaged change# Copy git reset<commit> ...
存放到暂存区 在改动文件列表中,鼠标悬停在某个文件上,右边会出现“discard change”(撤销更改)和“Stage Change”(暂存更改)的图标,我们可以根据需要选择 5、commit代码 在第4步中,把代码选择“Stage Change”(暂存更改)后,就可以点击提交图标(如下图所示),把改动的文件提交到本地代码库 6、push代码 在第5步...
Changes not stagedforcommit:(use"git add <file>..."to update what will be committed)(use"git checkout -- <file>..."to discard changesinworking directory)modified:CONTRIBUTING.md 怎么回事? 现在 CONTRIBUTING.md 文件同时出现在暂存区和非暂存区。 这怎么可能呢? 好吧,实际上 Git 只不过暂存了你...
Gerrit中的一个Change就是一个Review任务,它对应一个commit。每个commit,应该是为了一个目的的完整修改。如果某一次修改不完全,就需要修正该commit。每一次修正之前的commit,重新提交时,都应该保持Change-Id不变,这样就不会产生新的Change,而是在原有的Change下产生一个新的Patch Set。所有的Patch Set中,只有最新的...
Discard the files before the named <file> from the output (i.e. skip to), or move them to the end of the output (i.e. rotate to). These options were invented primarily for the use of the git difftool command, and may not be very useful otherwise. -R Swap two inputs; that ...
重置当前 HEAD 指针到上一个提交...然后丢弃自那以后的全部更改 | Reset your HEAD pointer to a previous commit ... and discard all changes since then 代码语言:javascript 复制 git reset--hard<commit> ...然后作为未缓存更改保存全部更改 | ... and preserve all changes as unstaged change ...
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)丢弃工作区的修改(New): git restore <file>... # 丢弃工作区的修改 - 回到最近一次git commit或git add时的状态 丢弃暂存区和工作区的修改,分两步(New):①git restore --staged <file> # 把暂存区的修改撤销掉(unstage)...
git checkout -Essentially "git checkout all" when you have modified files and want to discard all changes, after this command execute git status to make sure it had the affect you intended.git checkout -- .List branchesShow list of local and remote branches...