git diff -z --name-only commit1 commit2 | xargs -0 -IREPLACE rsync -aR REPLACE /home/changes/protected/ 进一步解释: 带有 git diff --name-only 的 -z 表示输出用NUL字节而不是换行符分隔的文件列表,以防万一你的文件名中包含异常字符。 -0 到 xargs 表示将标准输入解释为NUL分隔的参数列表。 需...
--name-status Show only the name(s) and status of each changed file. See the description of the--diff-filteroption on what the status letters mean. Just like--name-onlythe file names are often encoded in UTF-8. --submodule[=<format>] ...
git diff --name-status <commit-id-1> <commit-id-2> Git 对比两个版本间某一个文件的变化 # 先列出两个版本间发生更改的文件列表 git diff <commit-id-1> <commit-id-2> --stat --name-only # 查看指定文件在两个版本间发生的变更 git diff <commit-id-1> <commit-id-2> -- <filename> #...
arg = %W(#{Gitlab.config.git.bin_path} diff --name-only --diff-filter=ACMR #{oldrev} #{newrev}) all_commits_diffs_filenames = Gitlab::Popen.popen(arg) check_result_index = (all_commits_diffs_filenames =~ if check_result_index begin_ind...
git 查看对比的方法log diff git shortlog 默认情况下,git shortlog 把输出按作者名字排序,但你可以传入 -n 选项来按每个作者提交数量排序。 1.有冲突时可以用 git status查看 2.通过git log查看commit 参考:
--name-only Show only names of changed files. --name-status Show only names and status of changed files. See the description of the--diff-filteroption on what the status letters mean. --submodule[=<format>] Specify how differences in submodules are shown. When--submoduleor--submodule=logi...
git diff --name-only change23..master 因此,我可以获取从change23、24、25、26和27 (即从午夜开始)更改的所有文件。 这很有效,但它不包括在change23中更改的文件,它只包括在24、25、26和27中更改的文件 我是不是漏掉了一个概念? 我能做到 git diff --name-only change23~1..master ...
Find the color setting for <name> (e.g. color.diff) and output "true" or "false". <stdout-is-tty> should be either "true" or "false", and is taken into account when configuration says "auto". If <stdout-is-tty> is missing, then checks the standard output of the command itself...