首先,我们需要安装 Git 和 VSCode。安装完成后,需要在 VSCode 中打开我们的 Git 仓库项目。此时,我们可以通过点击左侧边栏中的 "Git" 图标,或者按下快捷键 Ctrl + Shift + G 打开 Git 命令面板,然后输入 "git status" 命令来查看当前仓库的状态。 二、打开 Git 仓库项目并使用 vscode git diff 在Git 命令面...
首先要清楚Git版本管理的基础,是按行对比(line diff)将差异的部分作为一个增量补丁,通过git add添加到暂存区里的每一个文件都会由line diff得到该文件的增量补丁,而git commit将暂存区里的所有文件的增量补丁合并起来存入仓库就是一个commit。 通常在提交(commit)时,会生成一个SHA-1 Hash值作为commit ID。每个comm...
使用vscode 查看不出差异 通过git gui 或者通过 git bash 查看文件内容并没有修改,出现这个问题的原因是修改了文件的权限,文件的filemode发生了变化,比如执行了chmod命令。 解决办法: 切换到项目的根目录,执行如下命令,忽略filemode的变化即可 git config --add core.filemodefalse...
在命令面板中有一个新的命令Git: Close All Diff Editors,可以用来关闭所有打开的比较编辑器。还有一个...
Use <regex> to decide what a word is, instead of considering runs of non-whitespace to be a word. Also implies--word-diffunless it was already enabled. Every non-overlapping match of the <regex> is considered a word. Anything between these matches is considered whitespace and ignored(!) ...
我正在开发 VSCode 扩展,我需要打开具有完整路径和/或资源 URI 的文件的 git diff。 我有以下 vscode.Uri: { "$mid": 1, "path": "/d:\\git-skip-demo\\nuxt.config.ts", "scheme": "file" } (Uri 是有效的,因为我可以通过调用 vscode.open() 打开该文件并且它可以工作) 我也有完整路径: d...
The extension adds options in VSCode's source control tab so you can manage your branches and your remote URLs for push, pull, fetch , etc. Plus options to compare, merge, etc. multiple branches. You can feed VSCode's source control with any repository URL from anywhere with GitLens ...
git config --global diff.tool vscode git config --global difftool.vscode.cmd "code --wait --diff $LOCAL $REMOTE" And even added VSCode to thePATHin windows, though I don't have a problem opening the VSCode when runninggit config --global -e, but when I enter the commandgit difftool...
Since the new version (v11) I can't seem to just compare differences between files on different branches, rather than the behind/ahead in the new sidebar. Is there any way to get this comparison back? An example of the functionality I'm missing is seen in this screenshot; the "1 file...