You are in 'detached HEAD' state, which means that you're not on any branch Checkout a branch to make update possible. 图示: 二、报错原因 Git出现分支游离状态(detached head),detached head是一种HEAD指针指向了某一个具体的 commit id,而不是分支的情况。在这个状态下进行的commit不会对你的远程分...
You are in 'detached HEAD' state, which means that you're not on any branch Checkout a branch to make update possible. 图示: 二、报错原因 Git出现分支游离状态(detached head),detached head是一种HEAD指针指向了某一个具体的 commit id,而不是分支的情况。在这个状态下进行的commit不会对你的远程分...
The checked out commit will be tagged as HEAD, serving as your indication that you’ve entered detached HEAD state. You now have access to the full history of the commit. Leaving detached HEAD state Feel free to stay a while; you can look around, make some experimental changes and comm...
【git】git的HEAD | detached HEAD 状态|reset和checkout的区别 HEAD 是一个指针,通常情况下,它指向当前所在分支,而分支又指向一个 commit 提交。HEAD 并不总指向一个分支,某些时候仅指向某个 commit 提交,这就形成 detached HEAD。 切换到 detached HEAD 状态时,会有一个警告。 提示我们可以任意的修改和提交,...
“HEAD 是当前的分支” 有一些重要的例外情况,我们将在下面讨论。 “分离的 HEAD 状态” 你可能已经看到过这条信息: $ git checkout v0.1 You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this ...
HEAD 是一个指针,通常情况下,它指向当前所在分支,而分支又指向一个 commit 提交。HEAD 并不总指向一个分支,某些时候仅指向某个 commit 提交,这就形成 detached HEAD。 切换到 detached HEAD 状态时,会有一个警告。 提示我们可以任意的修改和提交,通过切换回分支时不影响任何分支的状态。
You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout. If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may...
其实我们知道,git checkout本质上是修改HEAD里面的内容来让它指向不同分支的,而HEAD文件指向的分支就是我们当前的分支,但是有时候HEAD不会指向任何分支,严谨的说是HEAD指向了一个没有分支名字的修订版本,此时恭喜你,已经处于游离状态了(detached HEAD).这时候我们在进行commit操作不会提交到任何分支上去. ...
You are in ' detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental changes,and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this state without 你正处在分离头指针的状态,你可以做一些变更产生commit,或者你也可以把这些commit丢弃掉。
Hence, when on a branch,the HEAD always points to the latest commit made on that checked-out branch. On the other hand,when a branch points directly to a specific commit, it puts you in agit detachedHEAD state. Let’s dive deeper into what this really means in the following sections. ...