如果事实证明你不小心回移 (move back) 了提交(commit), reflog 会包含你不小心回移前 master 上指向的提交(0254ea7)。 $ git reset --hard 0254ea7 然后使用 git reset 就可以把 master 改回到之前的 commit,这提供了一个在历史被意外更改情况下的安全网。
0 Remove file that is not pushed yet 7 how to remove a file from a git commit that has been pushed 0 How to remove files from a pushed Git commit 2 How to completely remove a file from git if you already pushed it to the remote branch, merged to the dev...
这只能在没有推送之前有用. 如果你已经推了, 唯一安全能做的是 git revert SHAofBadCommit, 那会创建一个新的提交(commit)用于撤消前一个提交的所有变化(changes);或者, 如果你推的这个分支是rebase-safe的 (例如:其它开发者不会从这个分支拉), 只需要使用 git push -f。 删除任意提交(commit) 同样的警告:...
$ git rebase--ontoSHA1_OF_BAD_COMMIT^SHA1_OF_BAD_COMMIT$ git push-f[remote][branch] 1. 2. 或者做一个 交互式rebase 删除那些你想要删除的提交(commit)里所对应的行。 我尝试推一个修正后的提交(amended commit)到远程,但是报错: To https://github.com/yourusername/repo.git![rejected]mybranch-...
In Git, the commits are not actually deleted when we delete a branch, and the commit history also remains intact. When we delete a base branch, what will happen depends on the type of branch, which gives rise to two types of scenarios, as discussed in this section. ...
$git checkout HEAD^ myfile$git add -A$git commit --amend 这将非常有用,当你有一个开放的补丁(open patch),你往上面提交了一个不必要的文件,你需要强推(force push)去更新这个远程补丁。 # 我想删除我的的最后一次提交(commit) 如果你需要删除推了的...
To undo a Git commit that was not pushed, you are given a few major options: Undothe commit butkeepall changes staged Undothe commit andunstagethe changes Undothe commit andloseall changes Method 1: Undo commit and keep all files staged ...
$ git add-A$ git commit--amend 这将非常有用,当你有一个开放的补丁(open patch),你往上面提交了一个不必要的文件,你需要强推(force push)去更新这个远程补丁。 我想删除我的的最后一次提交(commit) 如果你需要删除推了的提交(pushed commits),你可以使用下面的方法。可是,这会不可逆的改变你的历史,也会搞...
git:'com'is not a git-command. See'git --help'. Did you mean this?commit 如果你把help.autocorrect设置成1(译注:启动自动修正),那么在只有一个命令被模糊匹配到的情况下,Git 会自动运行该命令。 Git中的着色 Git能够为输出到你终端的内容着色,以便你可以凭直观进行快速、简单地分析,有许多选项能供你使...
When you're ready, click Commit or Commit and Push (CtrlAlt0K) to push the changes to the remote repository immediately after the commit. You will be able to review the current commit as well as all other commits before they are pushed to the remote. ...