通过下面的命令加入到git暂存区或提交到远端(提交时自动执行git gc命令,生成pack文件):
Always, delete files on git is so confusing as it is a big question mark to delete them from my repository or delete them from the filesystem? Also, Have a look at the Git Commands for gaining enough knowledge & practice on Git. To clear your confusion, we have come up with this new...
Cloud Studio代码运行 (solution)$ git add-A&&git commit-m"Adding all changes from this spike into one big commit." 当你想要把它放到一个分支里 (可能是feature, 或者develop), 你关心是保持整个文件的完整,你想要一个大的提交分隔成比较小。 假设你有: 分支solution, 拥有原型方案, 领先develop分支。
$ gitrmhello.java# 强行从暂存区和工作区中删除$ gitrm-f hello.java# 例从暂存区中删除文件$ gitrm--cached hello.java# 可以递归强制删除$ gitrm-rf --cacheddir 7、git mv git mv 命令用于移动或重命名一个文件、目录或软连接。 git mv [file] [newfile] 如果新文件名已经存在,但还是要重命名它...
此时,要删除大文件bigqin。 1.垃圾回收 先进行垃圾回收,并压缩一些文件 $ git gc --prune=now Git最初向磁盘中存储对象使用松散的格式,后续会将多个对象打包为一个二进制的包文件(packfile),以节省磁盘空间 .pack文件存储了对象的内容 .idx文件存储了包文件的偏移信息,用于`索引具体的对象 ...
doc: simplify Makefile using .DELETE_ON_ERROR doc: avoid using rm directly push: rename !triangular to same_remote push: hedge code of default=simple push: copy code to setup_push_simple() push: reorganize setup_push_simple() push: simplify setup_push_simple() ...
$ git add--patch filename.x 1. -p简写。这会打开交互模式, 你将能够用s选项来分隔提交(commit);然而, 如果这个文件是新的, 会没有这个选择, 添加一个新文件时, 这样做: $ git add-Nfilename.x 1. 然后, 你需要用e选项来手动选择需要添加的行,执行git diff --cached将会显示哪些行暂存了哪些行只...
[<file-option>] [--all] [--value=<value>] [--fixed-value] <name> git config rename-section [<file-option>] <old-name> <new-name> git config remove-section [<file-option>] <name> git config edit [<file-option>] git config [<file-option>] --get-colorbool <name> [<stdout-...
git config [<file-option>] [--type=<type>] [--fixed-value] [--show-origin] [--show-scope] [-z|--null] <name> [<value> [<value-pattern>]] git config [<file-option>] [--type=<type>] --add <name> <value> git config [<file-option>] [--type=<type>] [--fixed-value]...
# Install the importer tool $ npm install -g git-stats-importer # Go to the repository you want to import $ cd path/to/my-repository # Import the commits $ git-stats-importer # ...or delete them if that's a dummy repository $ git-stats-importer --delete...