Git 的命令集中不包含名为 cz 的命令,因此 Git 无法执行它。 提供可能导致这个错误的原因 未安装 cz-cli:git cz 通常是 cz-cli(Commitizen CLI)提供的命令,用于简化 Git 提交信息的规范化。如果未安装 cz-cli,Git 自然无法识别 cz 命令。 安装不正确或路径问题:如果 cz-cli 安装不正确,或者其可执行文件没...
我觉得这个需要多方面进行排查。 首先git cz 指令是 cz-cli 所提供的的指令,而 cz-cli 是全局安装的。所以你可以重新尝试安装下 cz-cli 。 而pre-commit 是非全局,仅作用于项目本身的,那么你也可以在其他的项目目录中试一下是否可以使用 cz 指令,已确定是 局部问题还是全局问题。 0 回复 相似问题git cz 如...
git: 'cz' is not a git command.#925 New issue OpenDescription shaobeichen opened on Apr 21, 2022git cz doesn't work npx cz work Repeated installation many times, restarted vscode and computer many times. In some projects it is possible, in some projects it is not....
Documentation Command reference pages, Pro Git book content, videos and other material. Downloads GUI clients and binary releases for all major platforms. Community Get involved! Bug reporting, mailing list, chat, development and more. Pro Gitby Scott Chacon and Ben Straub is available toread onli...
I've tried using it through visual studio code's integrated terminal and windows command line. There are no error messages, so this is how far I got. Author meszaros-lajos-gyorgy commented Sep 9, 2018 Since git-cz --retry doesn't display options and it works fine, I have a hunch, ...
* "git $cmd $args", when $cmd is not a recognised subcommand, by default tries to see if $cmd is a typo of an existing subcommand and optionally executes the corrected command if there is only one possibility, depending on the setting of help.autocorrect; the ...
所以前文中,提到想要运行git cz命令,需要全局 PATH 配置正确。 你也可以根据上述要求尝试添加别的自定义 git 命令。需要注意的是,要检查一下你添加的 shell 脚本是否具有可执行权限,若没有可执行权限会导致如下报错 `git: 'your command' is not a git command_`, 此时可以运行`chmod a+x`来修改文件的权限...
If$per_request_configis not a code reference, it is interpreted as boolean value. If it is true gitweb will process config files once per request, and if it is false gitweb will process config files only once, each time it is executed. True by default (set to 1). ...
所以前文中,提到想要运行git cz命令,需要全局 PATH 配置正确。 你也可以根据上述要求尝试添加别的自定义 git 命令。需要注意的是,要检查一下你添加的 shell 脚本是否具有可执行权限,若没有可执行权限会导致如下报错_git: 'your command' is not a git command_, 此时可以运行_chmod a+x <path to your file...
$ git clone /tmp/fast-export The first step in the conversion is to get a full clone of the Mercurial repository you want to convert: $ hg clone <remote repo URL> /tmp/hg-repo The next step is to create an author mapping file. Mercurial is ...