在Windows上,可以打开命令提示符(以管理员身份运行),然后输入以下命令:git credential-manager reject 在macOS和Linux上,可以打开终端并输入以下命令:git credential-manager reject —url=上述命令中的是Git存储库的URL,你需要将其替换为实际的URL。执行命令后,Git将清除该URL的凭据缓存。 Git配置问题:你的Git配置可能...
新电脑在开发环境使用git克隆远程仓库时,报错warning: could not find UI helper git-credential-manager-ui。 出现这个问题,是因为没有凭据,我们通过http克隆远程仓库需要输入凭据,就是登录这个url所指的平台需要的用户名和密码,由于某些原因我们使用git时可能不弹出helper提示我们输入用户名和密...
The line "'git-credential-manager' is not a git command", means Git cannot find the CGM on your $path. Git adds several location to the $path at run time, but none of them contain the GCM. Sounds a lot to me like something (probably Git 2.x setup.exe) removed the GCM. ...
[redacted] git: 'credential-manager' is not a git command. See 'git --help'. The most similar command is credential-manager-core Warning: fetch normally indicates which branches had a forced update, but that check has been disabled; to re-enable, use '--show-forced-updates' flag...
That config file is correct, but there was actually a line in C:\Users...gitconfig that changed the credential helper back to "manager" for the specific repository I was using. Changing that to "manager-core" fixes it. 👍2DanPristupov and sm-g reacted with thumbs up emoji 👍...
This sounds as if GCM Core was not installed correctly into your Git's libexec path. What does git --exec-path show? Do you see git-credential-manager-core.exe in that folder? If not, can you find where it was installed instead?
We do/did indeed use the old name for the credential manager, which was just renamed in 2.39. We inject this at runtime to make sure it could have a chance to run even if no system-level git installation was present. In this case, git is keeping support for the old name for the ...
git window server 每次操作都会提示 git credential manager for windows弹窗,提示让更新 Net framework 4.7.1 解决方式:git credential-manager uninstall
Microsoft.Git.CredentialManager.dll是电脑文件中的dll文件(动态链接库文件)。如果计算机中丢失了某个dll文件,可能会导致某些软件和游戏等程序无法正常启动运行,并且导致电脑系统弹窗报错。 相关的错误可能源于多种不同原因,比如:错误的应用程序、 Microsoft.Git.CredentialManager.dll 被删除或放错位置、被您电脑上存在的...