image.png 【解决】
git config –unset credential.helper “` 这将清除该仓库的凭据助手,使其不再记住账号和密码。 3. 删除凭据存储文件:git保存账号和密码的凭据存储文件位于用户的主目录下的”.git-credentials”文件中。要清除git中保存的账号和密码,可以直接删除该文件。在命令行中使用以下命令: “` rm ~/.git-credentials “...
git config –global credential.helper store “` 运行此命令后,Git会将凭证存储在`~/.git-credentials`文件中,而不是在内存中。这样,你就可以在下一次使用Git时记住密码。 步骤三:使用Git命令配置新密码 接下来,你需要通过运行Git命令配置新密码: “` git config –global “your_username” git co...
// 之后cd到项目目录,执行git pull命令,会提示输入账号密码。输完这一次以后就不再需要,并且会在根目录生成一个.git-credentials文件 清除用户名和密码 // 运行一下命令缓存输入的用户名和密码 git config --global credential.helper wincred // 清除掉缓存在git中的用户名和密码 git credential-manager uninstall...
git config credential. myusername git config credential.helper "$helper $options" DESCRIPTION Git will sometimes need credentials from the user in order to perform operations; for example, it may need to ask for a username and password in order to access a remote re...
Using the Git Credential Manager When you connect to a Git repository from your Git client for the first time, the credential manager prompts for credentials. Provide your Microsoft account or Microsoft Entra credentials. If your account has multi-factor authentication enabled, the credential manager...
import{createStatusManager}from'@digitalcredentials/credential-status-manager-git';conststatusManager=awaitcreateStatusManager({service:'github',ownerAccountName:'university-xyz',// Please create an owner account (personal or organization) in your source control service of choicerepoName:'credential-status...
Using the Git Credential Manager When you connect to a Git repository from your Git client for the first time, the credential manager prompts for credentials. Provide your Microsoft account or Microsoft Entra credentials. If your account has multi-factor authentication enabled, the credential manager...
If you're cloning GitHub repositories using HTTPS, we recommend you use GitHub CLI or Git Credential Manager (GCM) to remember your credentials.
I know this is a few years old, but this issue is the first thing to show up when you Google "git clear cached credentials command line windows". If you are using Git, and you are using the Windows Credential Manager to cache your credentials, and you want to reset / clear them from...