首先新建文件夹E:\git\repository\repo1,然后打开该目录 接下来,有三种方式创建本地仓库: 第一种方法: 右键,单击git GUI here,点击创建仓库,然后关闭即可 此时可以看到新生成的文件夹.git (注意:.git是隐藏文件,要看一下是否设置了把隐藏文件显示出来) 就创建好了本地仓库 第二种方法: 先把刚才创建的本地仓...
1、进入Github主页,点击右上角的New新建仓库2、填写仓库名称Repositoryname、Description(说明)、选择是否公开3、点击Createrepository创建后,弹出此页面4、根据要求,在桌面右键找到Gitbash here并打开,根据要求依次填写命令 执行命令后成功创建的仓库 将本地文件上传至GitHub ...
Create a new Git repository of your own, or Clone an existing repository from another user. How to create a new Git repository Follow these steps to create a new Git repository on your personal computer: Create a new folder for your project. Open the folder in Git BASH. Issue thegit ini...
This will create a hidden .git folder within your project directory. Theinitcommand won't create a project or create a new folder for your project. It will initialize an existing folder as a Git repository. So, you can always do this later even if you already created a number of files ...
1. Delete the project folder for test. In this case, I deleted VS_Git folder.2. Go to GitHub repository and click “Clone or download” button. Copy the git address.3. Open command prompt and move to folder where you want to clone the git repository....
Then, open a new Terminal window on your computer. First you should create a new folder in which to develop and manage the repository. This can be done with the following command: 1 user@user[~]# mkdir GIT This willcreate a foldernamed GIT in the current working directory.Access that fo...
4. 选择本地仓库:在接下来的对话框中,可以选择已有的本地仓库或者创建一个新的仓库。如果你已经有一个现有的本地仓库,在对话框中选择”Use or create repository in parent folder of project”,然后通过点击”Create”按钮来选择现有的本地仓库。 5. 添加到暂存区:在”Git”视图中,选中要添加到暂存区的文件(...
创建一个应用,然后在应用上右键->Team->Share Project,选择git,点击next,点击use or create repository in parent folder,不用理会上面的警告,直接finish. 在应用根目录下创建一个README,随便写入内容,然后右键->team->commit,但此时文件仍然在你本地,并没有push到远程服务器上. ...
Create a new console application called MSDNConsoleApp and check the Create directory for solution and the Create new Git repository checkboxes. Click OK to create the solution. I'll issue some Git commands in a moment, so if you want to run them on your system, open a command prompt win...
Initialized empty Git repository in Y:/002_WorkSpace/003_IDEA/Groovy_Demo/.git/ Y:\002_WorkSpace\003_IDEA\Groovy_Demo>git remote add origin https://gitcode.net/han12020121/groovy_demo.git Y:\002_WorkSpace\003_IDEA\Groovy_Demo>git add . ...