How do I create a new git branch from an old commit? git checkout -bjustina9c146a09505837ec03b This will create the new branch and check it out. gitbranchjustina9c146a09505837ec03b This creates the branch without checking it out.
git checkout -b branchName <sha1-of-commit> Which is equivalent togit branch branchName <sha1-of-commit>+git checkout branchName.
To create a branch from a commit in Git, first, navigate to the Git directory or repository and run the “$ git log” command to check the commit history of the currently used Git repository, select one of them and copy the Commit reference. After that, create the branch by executing t...
# 提交本地仓库,未提交远程仓库➜ learn_git git:(master) ✗ git commit -m 'commit a.txt file' [master 9487c06] commit a.txt file 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) create mode 100644 a.txt ➜ learn_git git:(master) git status On branch master Your branch is ahe...
或者,您可以使用branch命令,然后使用checkout命令。 控制台 git branch feature-23 git checkout feature-23 修改某些文件并执行commit命令后,feature-23 分支指向最新的提交,而 main 分支仍然指向上一个提交。 -a选项用于首先暂存更改,并立即将更改保存在 Git 目录中。-m选项用于提供消息。 在该示例中,提交消息使...
当出现上述情况时,就会出现报错:fatal:‘XXX' is not a commit and a branch ‘XXX' cannot be created from it 二、问题原因 远程新建的分支没有更新到本地。实际上,git仓库分为本地仓库和远程仓库,我们用checkout命令是从本地仓库中找要检出的分支的。本地仓库只有在进行网络请求时才会跟远程仓库交互,比如...
git branch -M main 此命令可确保你能够完成本模块中的其余练习。 使用Visual Studio Code 检查存储库状态 Visual Studio Code 显示的信息与命令git status提供的信息相同,但它会将信息集成到 Visual Studio Code 接口。 在Visual Studio Code 中,选择“查看”>“源代码管理”,或在键盘上选择Ctrl+Shift+G。
Another useful thing to know is how to restore a Git repository if you accidentally deleted it or forcefully pushed a new commit before fetching the latest version. Step 9: Create a New Branch The first branch in a Git repository is called master or main, and it is the primary branch in...
长期分支模型(Feature Branch Workflow) 长期分支模型是最常见的分支策略之一,其特点是为每个新功能或任务创建一个独立的特性分支进行开发,开发完成后再合并到主分支上。 步骤 拉取新特性分支**:从主分支上拉取一个新的特性分支,例如`feature/xxx`。 开发新功能**:在特性分支上进行新功能的开发。
2. log: Show commit logs 有3 个常用的参数:-<number_of_last_logs>; -graph;-pretty=online。 3. status: Show the working tree status Grow, mark and tweak your common history branch: List, create, or delete branches (1) 新建分支: git branch <branch_name> = git checkout -b <branch_...