$ git config --global user.name"testuser" $ git config --global user.email testuser@126.com 在 git config 指令后面增加了 --global 参数,表示是用户级别的配置。这是再看刚才更改的目录里会有 .gitconfig 文件,是保存用户级别配置的。这里的配置项对当前电脑登录用户有效,如果与系统级别的配置...
2,tortoisegit记住密码:我们每次在推送文件的时候总是需要输入用户名和密码,很是麻烦,解决方式是打开隐藏文件夹.git下的config文件,在后面加上[credential] helper = store,下次推送的时候就会记住密码了。 3,git提交空文件夹:因为git是文件版本控制,空文件默认会被忽略掉,这个我在网上找了一种方案:http://www.cn...
git-config - Get and set repository or global options SYNOPSIS git config list [<file-option>] [<display-option>] [--includes] git config get [<file-option>] [<display-option>] [--includes] [--all] [--regexp] [--value=<value>] [--fixed-value] [--default=<default>] <name>...
Git can be installed on Windows AND on WSL Installing Git Git config file setup Git Credential Manager setup Show 4 more Git is the most commonly used version control system. With Git, you can track changes you make to files, so you have a record of what has been done, and have the ...
GIT_CONFIG If no --file option is provided to git config, use the file given by GIT_CONFIG as if it were provided via --file. This variable has no effect on other Git commands, and is mostly for historical compatibility; there is generally no reason to use it instead of the --file...
环境搭建: -Linux:安装git安装包(yum install -y git) -Windows:到官网下载安装包 - 安装完成后配置如下用户名和邮箱: git config --global user.name "Your Name" git config --global user.email "email@example.com" 2.通过 git init 命令把当前目录变成Git可以管理的仓库(先cd到要变成仓库的目录下执行...
配置Git for windows(Git bash)登录GitHub git config --global user.name "Your Name"(双引号不用删,里面内容替换掉) git config --global user.email "email@example.com...4、验证是否成功在Git Bash里输入 ssh -T git@github.com Are you sure you want to continue connecting...
The OS is Windows Server 2022 from an official AWS AMI. The repository is hosted on github enterprize The number of recent branches is about 400 PS C:\Users\Administrator> git config -l diff.astextplain.textconv=astextplain filter.lfs.clean=git-lfs clean -- %f ...
git config --local -list To create or update a setting, you use theconfigcommand. With a parameter, you can define on which level you'd like to work. To set the username and email, you can use following commands. 主控台複製 git config --global user.name "Your Name" ...
Client 2: Windows 64 bit (2012), Git 2.13 and Git-LFS 2.2.1 (both 64-bit) Create a repository on the server with LFS support enabled Clone the repository (git clone ssh://git@server:7999/tst/test-git.git) git track '*.iso' , commit and push to the remote ...