如果我们git clone的下载代码的时候是连接的https://而不是git@git (ssh)的形式,当我们操作git pull/push到远程的时候,总是提示我们输入账号和密码才能操作成功,频繁的输入账号和密码会很麻烦。 解决办法: git bash进入你的项目目录,输入: git config --global credential.helper store 然后你会在你本地生成一个...
类似的警告有: Implementation of project facet maven could not be found. Functionality will be limited. Implementation of project facet me.spring could not be found. Functionality wil... 记一次No application config found or it‘s not a valid config! Please add <dubbo:application name=“...“...
Respect include.* directives in config files when looking up values. Defaults to off when a specific file is given (e.g., using --file, --global, etc) and on when searching all config files. --default <value> When using get, and the requested variable is not found, behave as if ...
原因:git自动保存git密码的功能(自己在单位电脑用了码云和github做了仓库,估计起了冲突) 清除本地git账户,重新输入用户名密码(最优) git config --system --unset credential.helper 之后再进行git操作时,弹出用户名密码窗口,输入即可
由于你使用的是Windows 10,如果你的.gitconfig位于C:,这可能是一个问题。如果是这样的话,尝试以...
error: could not lock config file .git/config: Permission denied Error: Command failed with exit 255: git 1. 2. 解决办法 sudo chgrp -R admin /usr/local sudo chmod -R g+w /usr/local 1. 2. 执行时会报目录没权限,不必理会。
error: could not lock config file //.gitconfig: Permission denied This has been reported in the past: #32145 #3511 (closed) However, mostly fixed with deep in the ways how runners are deployen on OpenShift etc. and it can actually be also easily reproduced on regular docker runners. ...
再设置用户名,发现新的错误:error: could not lock config file D:/Git/.gitconfig: Permission denied大致意思是没有权限操作该文件,我们需要以管理员的身份运行 git bash 但是需要每次都要输管理员运行,有是否需要cd进入对应文件夹,比较麻烦,看别的博客说git v2.35.2版本之后git会检查当前用户是否是git仓库文件...
Git初始化操作设置用户名用户邮箱时出现错误 error: could not lock config file C: 百度和CSDN上解决方法有些杂乱,我都一一试过,我能查找到的方法单独尝试的话都不会成功(只针对我的电脑),造成该问题的原因好像是Git安装目录下的etc文件权限不够,造成配置用户名和用户邮箱时无法锁定配置文件,以下是我最终解决该...
Respect include.* directives in config files when looking up values. Defaults to off when a specific file is given (e.g., using --file, --global, etc) and on when searching all config files. --default <value> When using --get, and the requested variable is not found, behave as ...