执行以上命令后,再执行git commit命令时,会默认打开Vim编辑器。 3. 使用其他编辑器:如果希望使用其他编辑器,可以通过以下命令进行配置,以Sublime Text为例: “` git config –global core.editor “subl -n -w” “` 执行以上命令后,再执行git commit命令时,会默认打开Sublime Text编辑器。 4. 在命令行中直接...
为git设置文本编辑器。 直接输入git commit的时候,或者git rebase -i来压缩的时候,都会进入git默认的文本编辑器,根本不会用,然后只能被迫关闭。后得知可以更改文本编辑器,配置如下: git config--globalcore.editor"\"D:\应用程序\Sublime Text3\sublime_text.exe\"" 更改后,当git要进入文本编辑器的时候,就会直接...
git config –global core.editor “vim” “` 然后,使用`git commit`命令时,会自动打开Vim编辑器。 2. 使用环境变量设置编辑器: 可以通过设置`VISUAL`或`EDITOR`环境变量来指定使用的文本编辑器。例如,可以执行以下命令使用Nano编辑器: “` export VISUAL=nano git commit “` 3. 使用Git的内置编辑器: Git也...
When I make a commit, I enjoy writing the commit message in an editor window containing a complete diff of my staged changes. I can do that from the terminal by running the command: git commit --verbose However, VSCode doesn't seem to su...
git commit --amend 命令,这样我们就无法编辑commit注释了。 正确使用gedit编辑commit注释的命令,是 git config --global core.editor "gedit -s -w" --- webcloud@ubuntu bluetooth(branch:[master*]) $ gedit --help Usage: gedit [OPTION...] [FILE...] [+LINE[:COLUMN...
git log [--oneline/--stat/-p] SHA (display a specific commit's details) git show (displays information about the given commit) git add (add files from the working directory to the staging index) git rm --cached (remove a file from the Staging index) ...
In my case, Visual Studio Code is configured as the default text editor, so that’s what I see: Now you just have to replace that placeholder text with the actual commit message, save, and close your editor. After you do that, Git will complete the commit: You can do it in a singl...
git config core.editor sublime_text.exe 重启下git bash。 这时候就OK了。不过,需要注意,此时只需要输入: git commit git就会自动打开sublime,关闭sublime后,git就会正常提交代码了。 可参考: http://www.tuicool.com/articles/fea6nq http://my.oschina.net/u/2004332/blog/411400...
对于跨平台项目,这是Unix上的推荐设置 (“core.autocrlf”设置为“input”)Checkout as-is,commit as-isGit will not perform any conversions when checking out or committing text files.Choosing this option is not recommended for cross-platform projects ("core.autocrlf"is set to "false")在检出或提...