git show --name-only <commit_hash> For example, here, I wanted to list down the files of a commit that had a message saying "My second commit" so I used the following: git show --name-only b1e9360d4496452e6b7b9bf81236e6df6bc06bac As you can see, it shows the name of the u...
[布尔] [默认值: false]--no-verify, -n Bypass pre-commit or commit-msg git hooks during the commit phase [布尔] [默认值: false]--commit-all, -a Commit all staged changes, not just files affected by standard-version [布尔] [默认值: false]--silent Don't print logs and errors [布尔...
git log [--oneline/--stat/-p] SHA (display a specific commit's details) git show (displays information about the given commit) git add (add files from the working directory to the staging index) git rm --cached (remove a file from the Staging index) git commit (take files from the...
On branch main No commits yet Untracked files: (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed) deploy/ nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track) 此文本告知以下四条信息: 你当前在主分支中。 稍后,你将了解有关分支的信息。
在git commit 前查看更改了哪些文件,可以使用 git status 和git diff 命令来查看。 首先,使用 git status 命令查看当前在工作目录中修改或添加了哪些文件。 git status 这时Git 会列出哪些文件被修改或添加。假设你修改了 app.js 和style.css 文件。 然后,使用 git diff 命令查看修改的具体内容,包括文件中哪些行...
git-get-tar-commit-id[1] 从使用 git-archive 创建的存档中提取提交 ID。 git-ls-files[1] 显示索引和工作区中的文件信息。 git-ls-remote[1] 列出远程仓库中的引用。 git-ls-tree[1] 列出一个树对象的内容。 git-merge-base[1] 尽可能找到好的共同祖先进行合并。
$ git add .gitattributes $ git commit -m"track *.psd files using Git LFS" You can now interact with your Git repository as usual, and Git LFS will take care of managing your large files. For example, changing a file namedmy.psd(tracked above via*.psd): ...
by using the --interactive or --patch switches with thecommitcommand to decide one by one which files or hunks should be part of the commit, before finalizing the operation. See the`Interactive Mode` section ofgit-add(1)to learn how to operate these modes. ...
<commit> # 统计未打包的对象数量及其磁盘消耗 $ git count-objects -vH # 清理不必要的文件并优化本地存储库 $ git gc # 立刻清理不必要的文件并优化本地存储库 $ git gc --prune=now # 显示索引和工作树中有关文件的信息 $ git ls-files # 常用选项 # -z: \0输出行终止,不引用文件名 # -c[-...
执行git add -A && git commit提交本次操作 执行git push上传到gitee的非保护分支 出现概率(是否必现,概率性错误)必现 【预期结果】 成功上传至gitee仓库 【实际结果】 无法成功上传 . If you have any questions, please contact the SIG:Infrastructure, and any of the maintainers:@imjoey,@xiangxinyong,...