githubgitbest-practicescoding-standardscommit-conventionspull-requestscommit-messagegit-commit-messagesgit-commitsgit-best-practices UpdatedJul 11, 2023 [MIRROR] Publish project to NPM following Conventional Commits specification and SemVer. Uses git-commits-since for detecting git commits since last SemVer ...
为了确保 commit message 的一致性,你可以使用 Git Hooks(如 prepare-commit-msg-hook )来自动填充需求 ID 或检查commit message 格式。还可以结合 CI/CD 工具,通过脚本或插件自动验证 commit message 是否包含需求 ID。 示例Git Hook 脚本: #!/bin/sh ISSUE_ID=$(git branch --show-current | grep -oE '...
commitlint 是当前使用最为广泛的 git commit 校验约束工具之一, commitlint helps your team adhering to a commit convention. By supporting npm-installed configurations it makes sharing of commit conventions easy. (1)安装 npm install -g @commitlint/cli @commitlint/config-conventional config-conventional是社...
This is another rule driven primarily by the tool set many Git developers use. If you look at a git commit history on GitHub, the 72-character line limit doesn't matter because the GitHub UI performs line wrapping for you. However, many software developers use other tools that don't perfo...
commit convention 规范: Write yourself a Git: 如何编写Git Commit Message? 为了创建一个有用的 revision history ,团队应该首先就 commit message convention 达成一致,至少要定义以下三点: ...
angular commit message conventions 由必选的几个部分和可选的部分组成的简短的git提交信息规范。 形如: feat: 增加一个新特性 fix(module-a): 修复一个bug #89123 doc: 增加文档 chore: 增加注释 详细介绍可以参考文末的参考资料。 插件 好的工具不仅可以提高效率,减少失误,配合起来使用更能达到意想不到的效...
Compare two commit ranges (e.g. two versions of a branch) git-rebase[1] Reapply commits on top of another base tip git-reset[1] Reset current HEAD to the specified state git-restore[1] Restore working tree files git-revert[1]
任何一笔提交都是有原因的,因此 commit message 需要说明该笔提交的 目的. 我们主要借鉴AngularJS Git Commit Message Conventions。 规范commit message想要达到的目的主要有: 提供更多更准确的信息。便于review,更容易发现潜在问题。便于查看历史记录回溯 ...
If in doubt which identifier to use, run "git log --no-merges" on the files you are modifying to see the current conventions. The body should provide a meaningful commit message, which: explains the problem the change tries to solve, iow, what is wrong with the current code without the...
commit message 一行的宽度不能超过 100 个字符(双字节 50 个汉字),遵守这个要求能够让信息在 github 上更容易的被阅读。 一条commit message 包括头、体、尾三部分,三部分之间用一个空行分割。 还原(Revert) 如果一条 commit 还原了较早的另一条 commit,它的 message 头,应该以revert:开头。接着写被还原的...