git commit --amend -m "Updated message"该命令直接更新消息,无需打开编辑器。 git commit –– amend –no-edit此选项可帮助您在不更改提交消息的情况下提交剩余更改(如果有)。 git rebase该命令用于修改提交返回提交历史。变基工具用于将一系列提交变基到它们最初基于的 HEAD 上,而不是将它们移动到另一个。
对于flake8和lint错误,一般用ammend,流程如下: ZSH 1 2 3 git add -A git commit --amend --no-edit git push -f 第一步。通过echo $PATH命令可以看你的执行路径,这里以/usr/bin为例。(其实更好的方法是将用户命令和系统命令分开,我的自定义脚本路径是~/bin/。) ZSH 1 sudo touch /usr/bin/git...
141. git revert –no-commit –no-edit [commit1]..[commit2]:撤销一段提交的修改但不自动提交,并保持提交信息不变。 142. git commit –date=”[date]”–amend –no-edit:修改上一次提交的日期,并保持提交信息不变。 143. git stash branch [branch] [stash1] [stash2]:从存储的修改创建一个新的...
g commitPrompts for commit message inline, rather than opening a text editor g commitmessagegit commit -mmessage g uncommitgit reset --soft HEAD~1 g ammendgit commit --amend --no-edit g branchbranchstashes working tree, creates or switches branch, and checks out branch ...
交互式变基通常是最简单的方法:git rebase -i 637bd5ac^ 这将打开你的编辑器,每一次提交都在一行...
[alias] l = log --graph --color --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit -- ls = ls-files st = status amend = commit --amend amendn = ammend --no-edit diffs = diff --staged ch = checkout f ...
git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master --no-thin 丢失changeid 提交代码前,需要在本地的git装上hook 在hook之前的commit,只能通过修改commit来加入Change-Id。方法如下: 打开Git bash 命令行工具; 用cd命令定位到你本地git仓库根目录; 打git commit --ammend; ...
This means that when a commit should go in the changelog, it will look something like this: The subject of the commit message.More details about the change here, if necessary.Changelog: fixed This would be done in addition to the process currently used. ...
The git commit –amend command allows us to edit (or amend) the most recent commit. However, just when we amend a Git commit to fix a mistake or make the commit clearer, we can accidentally make a new mistake. In this tutorial, we’ll examine how to undo the git commit –amend comm...
There are no hard or fast rules for what a good commit message should look like, but it: Shouldn't be too short or long If you need to explain more, consider leaving notes in the code, or make the commit multiline It should describe what's changing, possibly also why - if it makes...