$ git init $ git add.$ git commit-m'initial commit'$ git remote add origin git@gitserver:/opt/git/project.git $ git push origin master 这样,其他人的克隆和推送也一样变得很简单: 代码语言:javascript 复制 $ git clone git@gitserver:/opt/git/project.git $ vimREADME$ git commit-am'fix ...
Shown when git-push[1] rejects an update that tries to overwrite a remote ref that points at an object that is not a commit-ish, or make the remote ref point at an object that is not a commit-ish. pushNonFFCurrent Shown when git-push[1] fails due to a non-fast-forward update ...
Git 提供了一个跳过使用暂存区域的方式,只要在提交的时候,给git commit加上-a选项,Git 就会自动把所有已经跟踪过的文件暂存起来一并提交,从而跳过git add步骤: $ git status # On branch master # # Changed but not updated: # # modified: benchmarks.rb # $ git commit-a -m'added new benchmarks'[...
#newfile:README# # Changes not stagedforcommit:#(use"git add <file>..."to update what will be committed)# # modified:benchmarks.rb # 文件benchmarks.rb出现在 “Changes not staged for commit” 这行下面,说明已跟踪文件的内容发生了变化,但还没有放到暂存区。要暂存这次更新,需要运行git add命...
git commit -m"message" git add '*.txt' Add all txt file in the whole project git remote add originName https://github.com/try-git/try_git.git :告诉git,新增一个类似于bookmark的信息,以便后面push分享 git remote rm originName :删除originName这个remote ...
Every commit has a 40-hexdigit id, sometimes called the "object name" or the "SHA-1 id", shown on the first line of the git show output. You can usually refer to a commit by a shorter name, such as a tag or a branch name, but this longer name can also be useful. Most import...
Utilizăm module cookie opționale pentru a vă îmbunătăți experiența pe site-urile noastre web, cum ar fi prin conexiuni pe rețelele de socializare, și pentru a afișa publicitate personalizată pe baza activității dumneavoastră online. Dacă respinge...
Git Source Code Mirror - This is a publish-only repository but pull requests can be turned into patches to the mailing list via GitGitGadget (https://gitgitgadget.github.io/). Please follow Documentation/SubmittingPatches procedure for any of your improv
Configuration-free text editor and IDE limited to VT100. Suitable for writing git commit messages, editing Markdown, config files, source code, man pages and for quick edit-format-compile cycles when programming. Has syntax highlighting, jump-to-error, r
命令:gitcommit --amend执行完用 “i” 进入编辑模式。 你会发现第一行字是你最后一次提交的注释,这时候你...gitcommit失误 第一步:先看日志 第二步:撤销第 N 步:若仅仅只是修改提交后的日志 第一步:先看日志 命令:gitlog --pretty=oneline> 命令拓展:git ...